13 results filtered with: Staining and Labeling
- Books
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Note sur un procédé pour donner ou pour rendre leur couleur rouge aux muscles conservés dans l'alcool / par Félix Plateau.
Plateau, Félix.Date: 1874- Books
- Online
Some new methods of using the aniline dyes for staining bacteria / by E. Hanbury Hankin.
Hankin, E. Hanbury (Ernest Hanbury), 1865-1939.Date: 1887- Books
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Wounds of the pregnant uterus ; The effect of light on the staining of cells / by Leo Loeb.
Loeb, Leo, 1869-1959.Date: 1907- E-journals
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Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission.
Date: 1991-- Books
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Ueber kalte Injektion mit japanischer Tusche / von K. Taguchi.
Taguchi, Kazuyoshi, 1839-1904.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Books
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Physiological histology : methods and theory / by Gustav Mann.
Mann, Gustav, 1864-1921.Date: 1902- Books
p16INK4A as a marker for cervical dyskaryosis / Niamh Murphy, Cynthia Heffron, Martina Ring, Orla Sheils, John J. O'Leary, The Coombe Women's Hospital, St. James's Hospital and Trinity College Dublin.
Date: 2004- Books
- Online
Section cutting and staining : a practical introduction to histological methods for students and practitioners.
Colman, W. S.Date: 1896- Books
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A note on the M'Fadyean staining reaction for anthrax bacilli / by J.D.E. Holmes.
Holmes, John Dalrymple Edgar, 1867-Date: 1913- Books
Electron microscopy and cytochemistry : proceedings of the second international symposium, Drienerlo, The Netherlands, June 25-29, 1973 / editors: E. Wisse [and others].
Symposium on Electron Microscopy and Cytochemistry 1973 : Drienerlo, Netherlands)Date: 1974- Books
- Online
Die Entwicklung der Bakterienfärbung : eine historisch-kritische Uebersicht / von P.G. Unna.
Unna, Paul Gerson, 1850-1929.Date: 1888- Books
- Online
A starch injection mass.
Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925.Date: [1885]- Books
Manual of histologic and special staining technics / [Armed Forces Institute of Pathology].
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (U.S.)Date: [1960]