90 results filtered with: Surgery, Military
- Books
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The surgeon's handbook on the treatment of wounded in war : a prize essay / by Friedrich Esmarch ; translated by H.H. Clutton.
Esmarch, Friedrich von, 1823-1908.Date: 1878- Archives and manuscripts
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M0010398EB: Surgical instruments for the use in military surgery, from Clowes: A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, 1637
Date: 09 January 1948Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/91/82Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
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Der Gypsverband : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Militair-Chirurgie / von Dr. Szymanowski.
Szymanowski, Julius von, 1829-1868.Date: 1857- Books
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Outlines of military surgery / by Sir George Ballingall.
Ballingall, George, 1780-1855.Date: 1844- Books
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Military surgery, or, Experience of field practice in India during the years 1848 and 1849 / by J.J. Cole.
Cole, John Jones.Date: 1852- Books
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A manual of military surgery : for the use of surgeons in the Confederate States Army; with explanatory plates of all useful operations / By J. Julian Chisolm.
Chisolm, Julian John, 1830-1903.Date: 1864- Books
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Observations on wounds, and their complications by erysipelas, gangrene and tetanus : and on the principal diseases and injuries of the head, ear and eye / by the Baron D.J. Larrey ; tr. from the French by E.F. Rivinus.
Larrey, D. J. (Dominique Jean), baron, 1766-1842.Date: 1832- Pictures
A surgeon is widening the chest wound of a soldier in order to remove an arrow, they are surrounded by a military encampment and a raging battle. Process print after a drawing by C. Maurer, c. 1594.
Murer, Christoph, 1558-1614.Reference: 22470i- Books
The body disassembled : world war I and the depiction of the body in German art, 1914-1933 / by Wendy S. Maxon.
Maxon, Wendy S., (Wendy Susan)Date: 2002- Books
Ramblings of a 'military' surgeon : personal and professional memoirs / Munir A. Cheema.
Cheema, Munir A.Date: 2000- Books
- Online
A manual of military surgery, for the use of surgeons in the Confederate States army : with an appendix of the rules and regulations of the Medical department of the Confederate States army / By J. Julian Chisolm.
Chisolm, Julian John, 1830-1903.Date: 1862- Pictures
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Antoine, Baron Dubois, in Alexandria. Lithograph by Watier, 1823, after L. Gudin, 1822.
Gudin, Jean-Louis, 1799-1823.Date: 1822-1823Reference: 547217i- Pictures
Battle of Bunker Hill: Andrew Craigie attending to an injured soldier. Reproduction of a painting by Robert A. Thom, 1954.
Thom, Robert A. (Robert Allen), 1915-Date: 1954Reference: 589985iPart of: A history of pharmacy in pictures- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0010398EA: Surgical instruments for the use in military surgery, from Clowes: A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, 1637
Date: 09 January 1948Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/91/81Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0010140: Surgeon extracting an arrow from a soldier's face during the siege of Salerno, 13th century
Date: 09 August 1947Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/89/43Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Digital Images
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Instruments to treat contractions; to straighten bent limbs.
- Books
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The surgeon's handbook : a prize essay / by Friedrich von Esmarch ; tr. from the 3rd German ed. by B. Farquhar Curtis.
Esmarch, Friedrich von, 1823-1908.Date: 1888- Books
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Remarks on army surgeons and their works / by Charles Alexander Gordon.
Gordon, Charles Alexander, Sir, 1821-1899.Date: 1870- Books
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A doctor's experiences in three continents / by Edward Warren, MD, CM, LLD ; in a series of letters addressed to John Morris, MD, of Baltimore.
Warren, Edward, 1828-1893.Date: 1885- Books
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Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers on the legs : considered as a branch of military surgery : to which are added some observations on varicose veins and piles / by Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1801- Books
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Principles of military surgery : comprising, observations on the arrangement, police, and practice of hospitals, and on the history, treatment, and anomalies of variola and syphilis. Illustrated with cases and dissections / By John Hennen.
Hennen, John, 1779-1828.Date: 1830- Books
- Online
Militairärztliche Studien : drei Aufsätze / von Wilhelm Roth.
Roth, Wilhelm August, 1833-1892.Date: 1864- Pictures
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Russo-Japanese War: a man being treated on a table in an open-air Japanese field hospital, others watch. Halftone after M. Cowper, after a photograph, 1904.
Cowper, Max.Date: 1904Reference: 23897i- Books
- Online
Service memories / by Sir A. D. Home ; edited by Charles H. Melville.
Home, Anthony Dickson, Sir.Date: 1912- Pictures
A soldier having an arm amputated. Lithograph by Villain.
Le Villain, François.Reference: 20082i