25 results filtered with: Testicular Hydrocele
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Des tumeurs de la grande lèvre, improprement appelées hydrocèle de la femme ... / par Albert de Darvieu.
Darvieu, Albert de.Date: 1867- Books
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A treatise on the hydrocele: containing an examination of all the usual methods of obtaining relief in that disease. The radical cure by injection is particularly described, and illustrated with cases / By James Earle.
Earle, James, Sir, 1755-1817.Date: 1791- Books
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Opération courte, facile et sans danger, pour guérir surement l'hydrocèle : comparaison de cette découverte avec le traitement de cette maladie par les injections. Opuscule faisant suite à la brochure qui a pour titre, Progrès de l'art de guérir en France sur la fin du dix-huitième siècle ... / Par A.B. Imbert-Delonnes.
Imbert-Delonnes, Ange Bernard, 1747-1818.Date: 1802. An XI- Books
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Contribution à l'étude des formes rares de l'hydrocèle vaginale commune et des formes rares de l'hydrocèle congénitale : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 2 juillet 1901 / par Jean-Marie Péloni.
Péloni, Jean-Marie, 1876-Date: 1901- Books
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Sur une méthode particulière pour guérir l'hydrocèle sans opération chirurgicale / par J.-E. Pétrequin.
Pétrequin, J. E. (Joseph Eléonor), 1809-1876.Date: 1859- Books
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Observations on the different methods made use of for the radical cure of the hydrocele, or watry rupture, and on other diseases of the testicle; to which is added a comparative view of the different methods of cutting for the stone. With some remarks on the medicines generally exhibited as solvents of the stone / by William Dease.
Dease, William, 1752?-1798.Date: 1782- Books
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The cure of rupture : reducible and irreducible : also of varicocele and hydrocele by new methods / by George Heaton ; arranged & ed. by J. Henry Davenport.
Heaton, George, 1808-1879.Date: 1877- Books
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An inaugural essay on hydrocele : for the degree of doctor of physick : submitted to the consideration of the Hon. Robert Smith, Provost, and of the Regents, of the University of Maryland / by Octavius C. Taney.
Taney, Octavius C., -1832.Date: 1815- Books
Practical observations on the sclerocele and other morbid enlargements of the testicle; also on the cause and cure of the acute, the spurious, and the chronic hydrocele : the whole illustrated by cases. To which are added four cases of operations for aneurysm. Subclavian, femoral, popliteal, and femoral-popliteal, with practical remarks, and plates / by Thoman Ramsden.
Ramsden, Thomas, -1813.Date: 1811- Books
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An inaugural dissertation on hydrocele : submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost ; the trustees and medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, on the 12th day of May, 1797 ; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine / by Samuel Jones, A.M. member of the Medical and Chemical Societies of Philadelphia.
Jones, Samuel, approximately 1772-1797.Date: 1797- Books
The action of hydrocele fluid and certain other pathological liquids on some of the objects used in biological tests for epinephrin / G.N. Stewart and T.F. Zucker.
Stewart, G. N. (George Neil), 1860-1930.Date: [1913?]- Books
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The surgical works of the late John Jones, M.D.
Jones, John, 1729-1791.Date: 1795- Books
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Hydrocele : its several varieties and their treatment / by Samuel Osborn.
Osborn, Samuel.Date: 1878- Books
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A treatise on the hydrocele : containing an examination of all the usual methods of obtaining relief in that disease : the radical cure by injection is particularly described, and illustrated with cases / by James Earle.
Earle, James, Sir, 1755-1817.Date: 1796- Books
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Des collections séreuses et hydatiques de l'aine / par Simon Duplay.
Duplay, Simon Emmanuel, 1836-1920.Date: 1865- Books
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Memoria sull' idrocele del cordone spermatico / [Antonio Scarpa].
Scarpa, Antonio, 1752-1832.Date: 1823- Books
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A treatise on the hydrocele, or watry rupture and other diseases of the testicle, it's coats and vessels / by Percivall Pott.
Pott, Percivall, 1714-1788.Date: 1773- Books
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Practical remarks on the hydrocele or watry [sic] rupture, and some other diseases of the testicle, its coats, and vessels; (illustrated with cases) being a supplement to a general treatise on ruptures, published in the year MDCCLVI / [Percivall Pott].
Pott, Percivall, 1714-1788.Date: 1762- Books
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Observations on the different methods made use of for the radical cure of the hydrocele, or watry rupture, and on other diseases of the testicle : to which is added a comparative view of the different methods of cutting for the stone, with some remarks on the medicines generally exhibited as solvents of the stone / by William Dease.
Dease, William, 1752?-1798.Date: MDCCLXXXII [1782]- Books
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Practical observations on the sclerocele and other morbid enlargements of the testicle : also on the cause and cure of the acute, the spurious, and the chronic hydrocele : the whole illustrated by cases, to which are added four cases of operations for aneurysm, subclavian, femoral, popliteal, and femoral-popliteal, with practical remarks, and plates / by Thoman Ramsden.
Ramsden, ThomasDate: 1811- Books
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Über Hydrocele feminae ... / Johannes Wullstein.
Wullstein, Johannes.Date: 1909- Books
Observacion chirurgico-medica de un hidro-sarcocele, ó tumor scirroso en un testiculo con kiste, ó saco, lleno de pus en el escroto / Por el Lic. Jose Sanz.
Sanz, Jose.Date: 1814- Books
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De l'hydrohématocèle par rupture de la tunique vaginale / par Jaques L. Reverdin.
Reverdin, Jaques-Louis, 1842-1929.Date: 1883- Books
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An essay on the cure of the hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis testis / By Joseph Else.
Else, Joseph, -1780.Date: 1770- Books
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Two cases of hydrocele presenting unusual features / by Frederic Griffith.
Griffith, Frederic.Date: 1902