137 results filtered with: Topography, Medical
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Topografia e statistica medica della citt'a di Napoli : con alcune considerazioni sul regno intero ossia guida medica per la citt'a di Napoli e pel regno / del Salvatore de Renzi.
De Renzi, Salvatore, 1800-1872.Date: 1845- Books
Äthiopien, Ethiopia : eine geographisch-medizinische Landeskunde / von K.F. Schaller ; mit einem geographischen Beitrag von W. Kuls ; English translation: J.A. Hellen and I.F. Hellen.
Schaller, K. F.Date: 1972]- Books
Proeve eener geneeskundige plaatsbeschrijving (topographie) der stad Amsterdam / [Conradus Johannes Nieuwenhuijs].
Nieuwenhuijs, Christianus Johannes, 1773-1837.Date: 1816-1820- Books
A prophylaxia rural no Estado do Paraná / pelo H.C. de Souza Araujo.
Araujo, H. C. de Souza (Heraclides Cesar de Souza)Date: 1919-- Books
Topographie médicale de Paris, ou, Examen général des causes qui peuvent avoir une influence marquée sur la santé des habitans de cette ville, le caractère de leurs maladies, et le choix des précautions hygiéniques qui leur sont applicables / par C. Lachaise.
Lachaise, C. (Claude), 1797-1881.Date: 1822- Books
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Observationes de aëre et morbis epidemicis, ab anno 1728 ad finem anni 1737, Plymuthi factae. His accedit opusculum de morbo colico Damnoniensi ... / Auctore Joanne Huxham.
Huxham, John, 1692-1768.Date: 1739- Books
Observations on the changes of the air and the concomitant epidemical diseases, in the Island of Barbados. To which is added a treatise on the putrid bilious fever, commonly called the yellow fever; and such other diseases as are indigenous or endemial, in the West India islands, or in the torrid zone / By William Hillary, M.D.
Hillary, William, -1763.Date: 1759- Books
Manuel topographique et médical de l'étranger aux eaux d'Aix-en-Savoie / par le docteur baron Despine.
Despine, Constant (Claude Joseph Constant), baron, 1807-1873 or 1875.Date: 1859- Books
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Relatorio sobre a Secção Medica da Sociedade Academica de Nantes : a semelhança topographica do territorio do departamento do Loire Inferior, e de suas molestias com a provincia do Rio de Janeiro, e sobre a therapeutica, e opiniões dos medicos d'aquelle paiz : lido na sessão de 25 de Fevereiro / pelo Dr. Luiz Vicente De-Simoni.
Simoni, Luiz Vicente de, 1792-1881.Date: 1832- Books
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Geology in relation to sanitary science / by Alfred Haviland.
Haviland, Alfred, -1903.Date: [1879]- Books
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Lecture on the sanitary condition of large towns, and of Belgravia : delivered before the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Shaftesbury, and the members of the Pimlico Literary and Scientific Institution, on March 16, 1857 : with notes and topographical memoranda / by C.J.B. Aldis.
Aldis, C. J. B. (Charles James Berridge), 1808-1872.Date: 1857- Books
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On the comparative mortality of English districts : an address / by H. Franklin Parsons.
Parsons, H. Franklin (Henry Franklin), 1846-1913.Date: 1900- Books
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Observations on the air and epidemic diseases from the year 1728 to 1737 inclusive / made by Doctor Huxham, at Plymouth: together with a short dissertation on the Devonshire colic. Translated from the Latin original. And now published with the doctor's approbation.
Huxham, John, 1692-1768.Date: 1759-1767- Books
Malaria in the interior valley of North America : a selection by Norman D. Levine from A systematic treatise, historical, etiological, and practical, on the principal diseases of the interior valley of North America, as they appear in the Caucasian, African, Indian, and Esquimaux varieties of its population / by Daniel Drake.
Drake, Daniel, 1785-1852.Date: 1964- Books
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Observations on the means of preserving the health of troops, by selecting healthy localities for their cantonments / by Edward Balfour ; read by Joseph Hume ... before the Statistical Society of London, on the 19th of May 1845.
Balfour, Edward, 1813-1889.Date: [1845]- Books
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A contribution to the study of epidemic diarrhoea : presidential address delivered before the Incorporated Society [of] Medical Officers of Health, November, 1899 / by Arthur Newsholme.
Newsholme, Arthur, 1857-1943.Date: [1900]- Books
Galle, geomedizinische Analyse einer Küstenstadt auf Sri Lanka (Ceylon) / von Hella Wellmer.
Wellmer, Hella.Date: 1989- Books
The centenary celebration of the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, and the International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene : The Kingdom of Egypt a brief description of the chief features of the country for the use of the members of the Congress.
Date: 1928- Books
Geografia medica y nosologica del Departamento de Caldas : precedida de una notica historica sobre el descubrimiento y conquista del mismo / por Emilio Robledo.
Robledo, Emilio, 1875-1961.Date: 1916- Books
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A sketch of the medical topography of Lexington and its vicinity : being an inaugural dissertation, submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Andrews ..., the Trustees, and medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, on the 21st day of April, 1806, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine / by Benjamin W. Dudley, of Lexington, Kentucky.
Dudley, Benjamin W. (Benjamin Winslow), 1785-1870.Date: 1806- Books
Topografía médica de Rótova : y pueblos anejos a su distrito, Alfahuir, Almiserat, Castellonet de la Conquista y lugar nuevo de San Jerónimo / José Izquierdo Sánchez ; estudi introductori de Josep Lluís Barona.
Izquierdo Sánchez, José.Date: 2000- Books
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La pathologie des races humaines et le problème de la colonisation : étude anthropologique et économique faite à la Guyane Française / par J. Orgeas.
Orgeas, J. (Joseph Onésime), 1856-Date: 1886- Books
Geographical aspects of health : essays in honour of Andrew Learmonth / edited by Neil D. McGlashan, John R. Blunden.
Date: 1983- Books
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Della topografia fisico-medica di Venezia dissertazione / [Andrea Valatelli].
Valatelli, Andrea, 1762-1817.Date: 1803- Books
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Les altitudes de l'Amérique tropicale comparées au niveau des mers au point de vue de la constitution médicale / par D. Jourdanet.
Jourdanet, D. (Denis), 1815-Date: 1861