20 results filtered with: Typhus, Epidemic Louse-Borne - history
- Books
Die Typhusepidemie in der Festung Torgau 1813-1814 : Beschreibung und kritische Betrachtung nach zeitgenössischen Berichten / von Karsten Dohm.
Dohm, Karsten.Date: [1987], ©1987- Books
Die Fleckfieber-Epidemie in Kulmbach im Jahre 1793 / Ludwig Popp.
Popp, Ludwig.Date: 1981- Books
Epidemics and genocide in eastern Europe, 1890-1945 / Paul Julian Weindling.
Weindling, Paul.Date: 2000- Books
Les épidémies de typhus dans le Royaume Uni au xix siècle / Marie-Annick Hamonet.
Hamonet, Marie-Annick.Date: 1996- Books
Medical science, medical practice, and the emerging concept of typhus in mid-eighteenth-century Britain / by Dale C. Smith.
Smith, Dale C. (Dale Cary)- Books
George Leith Roupell FRS (1797-1854) : significant contributions to the early nineteenth-century understanding of cholera and typhus / G.C. Cook.
Cook, G. C.Date: [©1993-]- Books
The illustrious dead : the terrifying story of how typhus killed Napoleon's greatest army / Stephan Talty.
Talty, Stephan.Date: [2009], ©2009- Books
Typhus and social control : South Africa, 1917-50 / Shula Marks and Neil Andersson.
Marks, Shula.- Books
- Online
Des grandes épidémies qui ont régné à Nimes depuis le VIe siècle jusqu'à nos jours : typhus et épidémies de peste à bubons / [Victorin Laval].
Laval, Victorin.Date: 1876- Books
Charles Nicolle, Pasteur's imperial missionary : typhus and Tunisia / Kim Pelis.
Pelis, Kim, 1963-Date: 2006- Books
Layers of separation : epidemics and the quarantining of East European Jewish immigrants in New York City during the late 19th century / by Howard Markel.
Markel, Howard.Date: 1994- Books
Relación cronológica del tifus exantemático en el Ecuador / Luis A. León.
León, Luis A.Date: 1951- Books
Fleckfieber als selbständiges Krankheitsbild / [Marcello Alfredo Marcello].
Marcello, Marcello Alfredo, 1938-Date: 1969- Books
Valjevo : city - hospital (1914-1915) / authors of the exhibition and catalogue: Dragana Lazarecić Ilic and Vladimir Krivošejev, PhD ; translation into English : Zorica Jovanović.
Lazarević Ilić, Dragana, 1958-Date: [2015?]- Books
- Online
Du typhus épidémique et histoire médicale des épidémies de typhus : observées au bagne de Toulon en 1855 et 1856 / par A.M. Barrallier.
Barrallier, Auguste Marie, 1814-Date: 1861- Books
The fantastic laboratory of Dr. Weigl : how two brave scientists battled typhus and sabotaged the Nazis / Arthur Allen.
Allen, Arthur, 1959-Date: [2014]- Books
Malaria, Fleckfieber, Pest : Auswirkungen auf Kultur und Geschichte, medizinische Fortschritte / von Erwin Schimitschek und Günther T. Werner.
Schimitschek, Erwin, 1898-1983Date: 1985- Books
Rats, lice, and history : being a study in biography, which, after twelve preliminary chapters indispensable for the preparation of the lay reader, deals with the life history of typhus fever ... / by Hans Zinsser.
Zinsser, Hans, 1878-1940.Date: 1996- Books
Die Geschichte der Krankheitsbezeichnung 'Typhus' und der Wandel der Typhuslehre im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland / von Ulrich Lindemann.
Lindemann, Ulrich.Date: 1986- Books
Fleckfieberforschung, 1900-1955 / vorgelegt von Hans-Rudolf Meier.
Meier, Hans Rudolf, 1929-Date: 1961