151 results filtered with: Women's Rights
- Books
Feminism & bioethics : beyond reproduction / edited by Susan M. Wolf.
Date: 1996- Books
Genes, women, equality / Mary Briody Mahowald.
Mahowald, Mary Briody.Date: 2000- Books
Against the mutilation of women : the struggle to end unnecessary suffering / by Lilian Passmore Sanderson.
Sanderson, Lilian Passmore.Date: 1981- Journals
Reproductive health matters.
Date: 1993-2018- Books
Empowering women in medicine.
Date: [1991], ©1991- Books
Academic women on the move / edited by Alice S. Rossi and Ann Calderwood.
Rossi, Alice S., 1922-2009.Date: [1973], ©1973- Books
The female eunuch / Germaine Greer.
Greer, Germaine, 1939-Date: 1971- Books
Pink tax and the law : discriminating against women consumers / Alara Efsun Yazıcıoğlu.
Yazıcıoğlu, Alara EfsunDate: 2018- Books
Population policies reconsidered : health, empowerment, and rights / Gita Sen, Adrienne Germain, Lincoln C. Chen, editors.
Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
Feminism and sexuality : a reader / edited by Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott.
Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
Abortion : between freedom and necessity / Janet Hadley.
Hadley, JanetDate: 1996- Books
Abortion across borders : transnational travel and access to abortion services / edited by Christabelle Sethna & Gayle Davis.
Date: 2019- Books
Challenging confinement : mass incarceration and the fight for equality in women's prisons / Bonnie L. Ernst.
Ernst, Bonnie L.Date: [2023]- Books
Feminist perspectives in medical ethics / edited by Helen Bequaert Holmes and Laura M. Purdy.
Date: [1992], ©1992- Books
Biological woman--the convenient myth : a collection of feminist essays and a comprehensive bibliography / edited by Ruth Hubbard, Mary Sue Henifin, and Barbara Fried.
Date: [1982], ©1982- Books
Re-making love : the feminization of sex / Barbara Ehrenreich, Elizabeth Hess, Gloria Jacobs.
Ehrenreich, BarbaraDate: 1987- Books
Commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights for all : framework for action : based on relevant international agreements and conventions, including the Beijing, Copenhagen, Cairo, and Vienna conferences / prepared by Maria José Alcalá.
Date: [1995], ©1995- Books
Beyond the periphery of the skin : rethinking, remaking and reclaiming the body in contemporary capitalism / Silvia Federici.
Federici, SilviaDate: [2020]- Books
Women and health : feminist perspectives / edited by Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger.
Date: 1994- Books
Slay in your lane : the Black girl bible / Yomi Adegoke & Elizabeth Uviebinené.
Adegoke, YomiDate: 2018- Books
The economics of equal opportunities / edited by Jane Humphries, Jill Rubery.
Date: 1995- Books
Lifting a ton of feathers : a woman's guide for surviving in the academic world / Paula J. Caplan.
Caplan, Paula J.Date: [1993]- Books
- Online
"Woman's work in promoting the cause of hygiene." : (State hygiene- sec. ix.) / paper read by Margaret Eleanor Scott.
Scott, Margaret Eleanor.Date: 1891- Books
Woman and society / Meyrick Booth.
Booth, Meyrick.Date: [1929]- Books
Health and cultural values : female circumcision within the context of HIV/AIDS in Cameroon / by Ngambouk Vitalis Pemunta.
Pemunta, Ngambouk Vitalis.Date: 2011