194 results filtered with: Wounds, Gunshot
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The surgery of the chest in relation to retained projectiles / [Sir Berkeley Moynihan].
Moynihan, Berkeley Moynihan, Baron, 1865-1936.Date: 1921- Books
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The early treatment of war wounds / by Colonel H.M.W. Gray.
Gray, H. M. W. (Henry McIlree Williamson), Sir, 1870-1938.Date: 1919- Books
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Die indirecten Läsionen des Auges bei Schussverletzungen der Orbitalgegend : nach Aufzeichnungen aus dem Russisch-Türkischen Kriege (1877-78) / von G. v. Oettingen.
Oettingen, Georg Philipp von, 1824-Date: 1879- Books
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Schussverletzungen des Auges / beobachtet von Hermann Cohn.
Cohn, Hermann, 1838-1906.Date: 1872- Books
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A dissertation on gun-shot wounds / by Charles Bell.
Bell, Charles, Sir, 1774-1842.Date: 1814- Books
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Funfftzig sonder- und wunderbahre Schuss-Wunden Curen, in Pommern vor denen Belägerungen, Wolgast, Ancklam, Demmin, Stettin, Greiffswalde, Strahlsund, und Einnehmung der Insul Rügen geschehen, und wie solche ... tractiret, und glücklich curiret worden. Vor diesem Anno 1687 nur die Helffte beschrieben, itzo aber ... vollends heraus gegdben. Neben noch 2 ... Exempeln und deren Curen zu Halberstadt und Bresslau geschehen / [Matthias Gottfried Purmann].
Purmann, Matthias Gottfried, 1649-1711Date: 1721- Books
Indirect spinal cord injuries due to gunshot wounds of the spinal column in animal and man / by Wolfgang W. Klemperer [and others].
Date: [1937?]- Books
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Des éraflures et des contusions de l'estomac par armes à feu : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 30 juillet 1904 / par Jean Meirieu.
Meirieu, Jean, 1877-Date: 1904- Books
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Étude sur les plaies par armes à feu : plaies des artères, fractures dans la continuité et la contiguité, ou articulaires, plaies de l'orbite et de l'appareil oculaire / par Louis Vaslin.
Vaslin, Louis.Date: 1872- Books
Missile head injuries in Nigerian soldiers (with special study of tangetial wounds) / by Adelola Adeloye.
Adeloye, Adelola.Date: [1978]- Books
On gunshot injuries to the bloodvessels : founded on experience gained in France during the Great War, 1914-1918 / by George Henry Makins.
Makins, George Henry, Sir, 1853-Date: 1919- Books
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A treatise on gunshot wounds / by T. Longmore.
Longmore, T. (Thomas), Sir, 1816-1895.Date: 1862- Books
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Analyse des blessures d'armes à feu, et de leur traitement / par Pierre Dufouart, Officier de anté supérieur, et Chirurgien en chef à l'hôpital militaire de Paris.
Dufouart, Pierre, 1737-1813.Date: An X. Vendémiaire. 1801- Books
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The complete works of John Hunter, F.R.S (Volume 2).
Hunter, John, 1728-1793.Date: 1841- Books
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Die Blutung als Primärsympton bei den Schusswunden der Extremitäten.
Praetorius, Heinrich, 1875-Date: 1897- Books
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Clinique chirurgicale des plaies faites par armes à feu : pour servir à l'instruction des élèves en chirurgie des hôpitaux militaires / par C.A. Lombard.
Lombard, C. A. (Claude Antoine), 1741-1811.Date: An XII.--1804- Books
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Two interesting surgical cases / by Claudius H. Mastin.
Mastin, Claudius H. (Claudius Henry), 1826-1898.Date: 1895- Books
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On gunshot wounds of the thorax and the treatment pursued for them in the Crimea, contrasted with that which was followed in former campaigns / by George Lawson.
Lawson, George, 1831-1903.Date: [1858]- Books
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A treatise on gun-shot wounds injuries of nerves, and on wounds of the extremities requiring the different operations of amputation, in which the various methods of performing these operations are shown : together with their after treatment; and containing an account of the author's successful case of amputation at the hip-joint &c. &c &c., with five explanatory plates. Being a record of the opinions and practice of the Surgical Department of the British Army, at the termination of the war in Spain, Portugal, and France, in 1814 / by G. J. Guthrie.
Guthrie, G. J.Date: 1820- Books
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Experiment and experience with the rifle / by Henry G. Beyer.
Beyer, Henry Gustav, 1850-1918.Date: 1901- Books
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A treatise on gun-shot wounds, on inflammation, erysipelas, and mortification, on injuries of nerves, and on wounds of the extremities requiring the different operations of amputation : in which the various methods of performing these operations are shown, together with their after-treatment ; and containing an account of the author's successful case of amputation at the hip-joint ... / by G.J. Guthrie.
Date: 1827- Books
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Zur Casuistik der Gaumenschüsse / von A. Koehler.
Koehler, A.Date: [1886?]- Books
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Specification of Sylvan de Wilde : apparatus for probing shot wounds.
Wilde, Sylvan de.Date: 1867- Books
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A treatise on gun-shot wounds : which obtained the premium given by the Royal College of Surgeons in London for the year 1803 / by Thomas Chevalier.
Chevalier, Thomas, 1767-1824.Date: 1804- Books
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Die Schuss-Wunden : nach auf dem Schlachtfelde wie in dem Lazarethe während den Jahren 1848 & 1849 gesammelten Erfahrungen / dargestellt von Bernhard Beck.
Beck, Bernhard.Date: [1850?]