767 results filtered with: Zoology
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Archives néerlandaises de zoologie
Date: 1934-1967- Books
- Online
Text book of zoology / by J.E.V. Boas ; translated by J.W. Kirkaldy and E.C. Pollard.
Date: 1896- Books
The work of John Samuel Budgett : Balfour student of the University of Cambridge being a collection of his zoological papers / together with a biographical sketch by A.E. Shipley, F.R. S., and contributions by Richard Assheton [and others] ; edited by J. Graham Kerr.
Budgett, John Samuel, 1872-1904.Date: 1907- Books
Compendium simplicium et compositorum medicamentorum quorum est frequens usus apud medicos & pharmacopolas ex peritorum philosophorum & medicorum monumentis collectum in quo nomina, natura, loca et integritatis notae simplicium et substitutorum, una cum medicamentorum compositorum descriptione, et numero pro usu idoneo ... explicantur ... His annectitur Unicornis celeberrimi quadrupedis historia ... cujus occasione omnia cornigera nominatim recensentur / [Antonio Anguisola].
Anguisola, Antonio, fl. 16th century.Date: 1587- Books
Diui Alberti Magni De animalibus. Libri vigintisex Nouissime impressi / emendati per M.A. Zimaram.
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280.Date: 1519]- Books
A laboratory manual of invertebrate zoology / by Gilman A. Drew revised by James A. Dawson and Leonard P. Sayles.
Drew, Gilman A. (Gilman Arthur), 1868-1934.Date: 1936- Books
- Online
Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, & 1824 / [Charles Waterton] ; with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, &c. for cabinets of natural history.
Waterton, Charles, 1782-1865.Date: 1828- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
Bestiary and Fiore de virtu, in Italian
Date: Middle 15th centuryReference: MS.132- Books
Animal biology / by A.J. Grove and G.E. Newell.
Grove, A. J. (Alfred John)Date: 1942- Books
Voprosy obshcheĭ zoologii i medi︠t︡sinskoĭ parazitologii / pod redak︠t︡sieĭ P.G. Sergieva [and others].
Date: 1962- Books
- Online
Theatrum universale omnium animalium piscium, avium, quadrupedum, exanguium, aquaticorum, insectorum, et angium [sic] ..., CCLX. tabulis ornatum / ex scriptoribus tam antiquis quam recentioribus ... & aliis maxima curâ à J. Jonstonio collectum, ac plus quam trecentis piscibus [& animalibus] nuperrime ex Indiis Orientalibus allatis, ac nunquam antea his terris visis, locupletatum; cum enumeratione morborum, quibus medicamina ex his animalibus petuntur, ac notitiâ animalium, ex quibus vicissim remedia præstantissima possunt capi; cura Henrici Ruysch ... VI. partibus, duobus tomis, comprehensum.
Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675.Date: 1718- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0006804: Side view of four skulls from Chirogale, Lemur, Notharctus and Myoxicebus
Date: 16 April 1940- Archives and manuscripts
M0012013: Reproduction of a page with a woodcut illustration of rams and serpents from Laurence Andrew's The noble lyfe & natures of man, of bestes, serpentys, fowles & fisshes yt be moste knowen, 1521?
Date: 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/107/5Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Informe que rinde á la Secretaría de Fomento el Director del Instituto Médico Nacional, Dr. Fernando Altamirano : sobre algunas excursiones á las Montañas del Ajusco y Serranía de las Cruces.
Altamirano, Fernando, 1850-1908.Date: 1895- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0006788: Illustration of Cynognathus Crateronotus skull
Date: 16 April 1940- Books
- Online
European animals : their geological history and geographical distribution / by R.F. Scharff.
Scharff, R. F. (Robert Francis), 1858-1934.Date: 1907- Archives and manuscripts
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August (1834-1919), zoologist
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, 1834-1919.Date: 1868-1910Reference: MS.8373- Books
Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Richard Southwood FRS / by Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell.
Alton, Jeannine.Date: 2000- Books
- Online
Zoology : a description of types of animal structure / by Andrew Wilson.
Wilson, Andrew, 1852-1912.Date: 1877- Books
Georgius Agricola De re metallica / tr. from the 1st Latin ed. of 1556, with biographical introduction, annotations and appendices upon the development of mining methods, metallurgical processes, geology, mineralogy & mining law, from the earliest times to the 16th century, by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover.
Agricola, Georg, 1494-1555.Date: 1912- Books
Comparative & veterinary medicine : a guide to the resource literature / compiled by Ann E. Kerker and Henry T. Murphy.
Kerker, Ann E.Date: [1973]- Journals
Zeitschrift für hygienische Zoologie und Schädlingsbekämpfung.
- Books
The animal kingdom : arranged in conformity with its organization / by the Baron Cuvier ... ; with additional descriptions of all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed, by Edward Griffith [and others].
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1827-1832- Books
- Online
Catalogue of the library of the Zoological Society of London.
Zoological Society of London. Library.Date: 1872- Archives and manuscripts
Messier, Charles Joseph (1730-1817)
Messier, Charles Joseph, 1730-1817Date: 1756-99Reference: MS.3532