The frequent, but unsuspected progress of pains, inflammations, tumors, apostems, ulcers, cancers, gangrenes, and mortifications, internal. Therein shewing the secret causes and course, of many ... diseases, rarely discerned ... With a tract of fontanels or issues, and setons / [Everard Maynwaringe].
- Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628-1699?
- Date:
- 1679
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: The frequent, but unsuspected progress of pains, inflammations, tumors, apostems, ulcers, cancers, gangrenes, and mortifications, internal. Therein shewing the secret causes and course, of many ... diseases, rarely discerned ... With a tract of fontanels or issues, and setons / [Everard Maynwaringe]. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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