Experiences of a civilian in Eastern military hospitals : with observations on the English, French and other medical departments and the organization of military medical schools and hospitals / by Peter Pincoffs.

  • Pincoffs, Peter, 1816-1872.
    PREFACE. In writing this little volume I have had three objects in view: first^ to give the general public some account of the introduction of "the civil ele- ment" and the anomalous position which it held in the Eastern Military Hospitals^ 2. whilst depre- cating the injustice which laid the blame of many evils ^ beyond their power to remedy, on some of my military confreres, to signalize defects in the organization of the Army-Medical-Department, which contributed to the general confusion and the deplorable state of the Army in the beginning of the late campaign, 3. to propose some changes in the Army-Medical-Department based on personal experience and information acquired in frequent intercourse with my colleagues of all nations.
    Most of the facts adduced are well known, but I thought it desirable to collect them. May my obervations meet the eye of those who are not of Candide's opinion: "que tout est pour le mieux dans ce meilleur des mondes" and who have the will and the power of introducing re- forms. Dresden, April 1857.
    ERRATA. Pag-e 33 line J8 for minislering- ang-les. read ministeriiidr ang-els. ,, 49 ,, 17/or professional - qualificalions. read professional qualifi- cations. ()1 ,, 1 for preception, rea</perception. 73 „ 3 for Piroyof, redd Piroyoff. Ill ,, 9 for in how for, read in how far. 129 „ 14/or Mojor, r^«^ Major. 129 ,, 17/br Inspecteur ,,,, ,,,, ,, „ , r<?«fi? Inspecteur. 162 ,, 22 for in 179S the army, read in 179S the French army. 177 ,, 19 for chocolade, read chocolate. 186 ., 6/or unparallelled, r<?rtr/unparalleled.
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    CONTENTS. PAGE French and Eng-lish 1 Description of hospitals 7 Constantinople 17 State of hospitals 1855 — 56 30 "The civil element" 39 Civilians at Scutari 52 The Providence of the Barrack-Hospital 69 British Military Medical Department 86 Medical Boards 104 French Military Medical Department 115 Military Medical education 135 British Military Medical School 147 Changes in Hospital organization 167 Causes and effects 185