Aeolus, at the request of Juno, opens a door in a mountainside, releasing the winds that will wreck the fleet of Aeneas; representing the element air. Engraving by C. Dupuis, 1718, after Louis de Boullogne the younger.

  • Boulogne, Louis, 1654-1733.
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About this work


Aeneid I, vv. 71-73. Juno is in the sky with her chariot drawn by peacocks and surrounded by nymphs and putti. The Trojan fleet is shown in the right background


Paris (rue de la Vannerie a l'image St. Michel) : Dupuis graveur du Roy, 1718.

Physical description

1 print : line engraving and etching ; image and text 46 x 57 cm


Aer. Me sine nil spirat: terras amplector et undas, At vi sæpe meâ terræ vexantur et undæ. ... Lud. de Boullongne inv. et pinxit. Carol. Dupuis sculp 1718. The lettering is repeated in French

References note

Marcel Roux and Edmond Pognon, Inventaire du fonds français, graveurs du XVIIIe siècle, Bibliothèque nationale, Département des estampes, tome VIII, Paris 1955, p. 365 no. 8


Wellcome Collection 23945i

Reproduction note

After a painting exhibited at the Salon in 1699 (Roux and Pognon, loc. cit.)


Forms a pair with an engraving made by Dupuis in 1721 after Boullongne representing the earth; also related to two other prints by Desplaces after Boullongne, representing fire and water, completing the set of the four elements


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