Tobit and Sarah kneeling in prayer before a fire.
- Date:
- [16th century]
- Reference:
- 3336347i
- Pictures
About this work
[France], [16th century]
Physical description
1 print : woodcut on paper ; 6.4 x 9 cm
Bears French text on verso
Tobit and Sarah kneel on a tiled floor beside a canopied bed with curtains; a jug sits on a table to the left, a framed painting on the wall far left represents the archangel Rachel presumably appearing before Tobit; the scene is from the popular Old Testament story Tobit 7: 9-16. Tobit was a wealthy charitable Israelite but who suffered financial difficulties and blindess caused by cataracts; Sarah was the daughter of Tobit's relative whose seven successive husbands were each killed by a demon on their wedding night; they both prayed to God for deliverance and he, in turn sent the angel Raphael to heal them.
This work is untitled: the title has been supplied by the cataloguer
Wellcome Collection 3336347i
Where to find it
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