Hortus Eystettensis, siue, Diligens et accurata omnium plantarum, florum, stirpium, ex variis orbis terræ partibus, singulari studio collectarum, quæ in celeberrimis viridariis arcem episcopalem ibidem cingentibus, hoc tempore conspiciuntur, delineatio et aduiuum repræsentatio / operâ Basilii Besleri philiatri et pharmacopoei.

  • Besler, Basilius, 1561-1629.
  • Books

About this work

Also known as

Hortus Eystettensis
Hortvs Eystettensis, sive Diligens et accvrata omnivm plantarvm, florvm, stirpivm, ex variis orbis terræ partibvs, singvlari stvdio collectarvm, qvæ in celeberrimis viridariis arcem episcopalem ibidem cingentibvs, hoc tempore conspicivntvr, delineatio et advivvm repræsentatio


[Germany [Eichstätt?] : Basilius Besler?], M. DC. XIII.

Physical description

4 parts (389 leaves including 367 plates) : illustrations, portrait ; folio masc.


Engravings, without descriptive text, are arranged in 4 pts. (classis verna, autumnalis, aestiva, hyberna), each with orders within it (the plates are numbered within each order), & indexes. Indexes in Latin and in German.
Two editions were issued: a black and white version with text, intended as a reference book for apothecaries and others; and a luxury version without text but printed on high quality paper and meant to be richly hand-coloured throughout (British Library)
Dedication to Bishop Johann Christoph von Westerstetten.
Engravings by Johann Leypoldt, Servatius, Raphael Custos, Wolfgang Kilian, Heinrich Ulrich and others. Engraved title page signed by Wolffgang Kilian.
Copy 1. Vol. 1. Engraved title page laid onto one of the flower plates. Another plate bound with preliminaries. Several preliminary leaves torn and repaired. Uncoloured copy. Bound in two volumes. 20th century binding, half calf and cloth. Vol. 1: Classis verna: Ordines collectarum plantarum vernalium, I-IX. -- Classis aestiva : Ordines collectarum plantarum aestivalium, I-III.
Copy 1. Vol. 2. Uncoloured copy. Bound in two volumes. 20th century binding, half calf and cloth. Vol. 2: Classis aestiva : Ordines collectarum plantarum aestivalium, IV-XIIII. -- Classis autumnalis : Ordines collectarum plantarum autumnalium, I-IV. -- Classis verna: Ordo collectarum arborum et fructicum vernalium. -- Classis aestiva : Ordo collectarum arborum et fructicum aestivalium. -- Classis Hyberna: Ordines collectarum plantarum hyemalium, I.


Plantarum horti Eystaettensis Classis verna : Ordo collectarum arborum et fructicum vernalium. Ordines collectarum plantarum vernalium, I-IX. -- Classis aestiva : Ordo collectarum arborum et fructicum aestivallum. Ordines collectarum plantarum aestivalium, I-XIIII. -- Classis autumnalis : Ordines collectarum plantarum autumnalium, I-IV. -- Classis Hyberna: Ordines collectarum plantarum hyemalium, I.

References note

Pritzel 745*
Barker, N. Hortus Eystettensis, the bishops's garden and Besler's magnificent book, (London, 1994)



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