A vision of change for America.

  • United States. President (1993-2001 : Clinton)
    Appendix TABLE 1. DEFENSE DISCRETIONARY PROPOSALS (in billions of dollars)  1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Current OBRA Baseline: sR TM aces ccaihcGesnsccnveessersaeedeosseseessnnenn 274.3 288.0 296.4 304.5 312.9 321.5 ons s Sb ives vasicvcecondipenss 294.3 289.6 293.8 299.8 306.5 313.8 Change from OBRA to Bush Adjusted: Budget Authority ................. ge ee ee ere eee leo -18.4 -26.2 -28.3 -28.1 ee ror coccssenacunuaesbersnerssnceeseuce | trnancensuende=stor -§.3 -9.5 152 -20.0 -24.8 Current Bush Adjusted Baseline: Oe RNAse ccccst tn ccevecructsacsatquecge enseacdnsunaconce? 275.5 278.0 278.3 284.6 293.4 earn cv cc csaswacasanscenensroneveacuons spassktssareacroges 284.4 284.3 284.6 286.5 289.0 Proposed Policy Changes: ea ARIRN MSR ee Rec ne cay citcwanvestvsoesaicancee: scesostenesnsscoses =11.8 152 -24.5 -36.2 -39.2 a Mr sncn renin treo sas ccexyve tities, _nenssaereaiteaeess -6.7 =41:7 -19.7 -37.4 -36.3 Proposed Defense Discretionary: EARL PAMIIOUICY <5 cccsteanannnveoeseacdvsssctsiosscucensCadees 274.3 263.7 262.8 253.8 248.4 254.2 RN we 6 Bice an ee a ne 294.3 277.7 272.6 264.9 249.1 252.7  121 3oo—s05 = 93 = 5
       1994— 1997 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total PROGRAMS THAT DON’T WORK OR ARE NO LONGER NEEDED Commerce: Eliminate Trade Adjustment Assistance for firms.................00 -1 -5 -10 -14 -14 -30 Reduction in Export Administration workload...............sssssesee -6 cal f -7 =<] =o -2i, Health and Human Services: Fund priority health professions curriculum assistance grants. -14 -21 -25 -27 -29 -87 State: Eliminate Russia/Eurasia research ............scccssscccscscssscecssssseseees -1 -8 -10 -10 -11 -29 Environmental Protection Agency: Completion of wastewater treatment grants authorization (OACODT NAF TAY = 5 ~eccesenccscterren: covcnonnctittteervesta sevuencasencerenneersoneecs -109 -624 -1,424 -1,947 -2,207 -4,104 Appalachian Regional Commission: Freeze Appalachian Regional Commission .................scssssseees -1 -2 -6 -11 -12 -20 Community Investment Program: Reforms in light of new Crime initiative ...............ccccccsssssscecsesees socceeserseeeeses -211 -411 -532 -550 -1,154 State Justice Institute: Terminate State Justice Institute ................ccccsscsssscssseeersesseees -3 -15 -16 -17 ~1T -§1 Tennessee Valley Authority: Terminate TVA fertilizer and community development.............. -42 -46 -50 -50 -52 -188 Multi-Agency: Eliminate unnecessary nuclear reactor R&D ..............csscsseeee -97 -198 -257 -268 -279 -820 Terminate COMMISSIONS. .............csseccsssecscsscsserssstsccsscesssescenscesees -9 -10 -11 14 -11 -41 Subtotal, Programs That Don’t Work or are No Longer NOOdOd ........sccecvsssvcrestusnevestcsscorassesetisastacscscaascoasvosstnesevetscegiae -283 -1,147 -2,227 -2,894 -3,189 -6,551 ELIMINATING SUBSIDIES: CHARGING FEES FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICES Agriculture: Reduce Rural Electrification Administration 5-percent loan SUDSINOS ei sccsicdcpis sicecesacdaconstnine sctestvssslaahpiashtcatsaworses tatabete canoe -27 Me -120 -150 -171 -374 Expand certain agriculture user fees....................... eet ae -14 -14 -15 -16 16 -59 Eliminate Cooperative State Research Service (CSRS) Carmarked research Qranmts..............ccsccssscessccscsesscesesenscesccesscesees -4 -18 -32 -42 -46 -96 Eliminate CSRS earmarked facilities construction .................++. -3 ati -32 -44 -60 -86 Eliminate earmarked special extension grants................ssscse -13 -13 -14 -14 -15 -54 Eliminate Agricultural Research Service earmarked facilities COMSHTUCHON 5. oveisscsicnlssececeyssslesnanccbseedsnelacstam tsreusce anes entte eases -1 -6 dé -10 -10 -24 Meat/Poultry fees: Reimbursement for overtime................000+. -104 -104 -104 -104 -104 -416 Commerce: Terminate NOAA demonstration projects ...............ssscsssceseeseees -30 -§5 -65 -70 -73 -220 Corps of Engineers: Reduce construction funding for lower priority water projects.. -85 -70 -30 -50 -15 -235 Energy: Assess foreign customers decommissioning and decontamination fee (receipts) ..............scssssscsccersesesssssseeressees -10 -10 =11 =31 ~12 -42 Health and Human Services: Increase FDA user f@@S..............0:ssscssese0/ AE orm Hid -167 -230 -285 -336 -387 -1,018
     TABLE 2. NON-DEFENSE DISCRETIONARY PROGRAM SAVINGS-Continued (Outlays in millions of dollars)  1994— 1997 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Housing and Urban Development: Eliminate special purpose grants.................sscssscsscsssseesseeseees =i) -73 -209 -278 -288 -565 Interior: Reduce construction funding for lower priority water projects.. -18 -40 -63 -42 -23 -163 Transportation: Eliminate low priority Transportation programs and projects... -129 -337 -438 -428 -417 = =-1,332 Treasury: Establish a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms user PO area. ais Se centen nd cg anemone danndgasedsibvcdacinscensssenerzenses =5 -5 =§ -§ =5 -20 Small Business Administration: Eliminate SBA earmarked grants................scessssssesseesseccseceeeseees -44 -71 -90 -110 -116 -315 Securities and Exchange Commission: Increase SEC Registration Fees ...............:cscssssesessssecseereees -47 -50 -52 -54 -56 -203 Subtotal, Eliminating Subsidies: Charging Fees for Government Services...................:ccscccsssssssssssssrsssssssseeessesseeees -706.. -1,180.. =1,572 hetnt,764 © =1;8 14:9 -5;222 MANAGING GOVERNMENT FOR COST-EFFECTIVENESS AND RESULTS Agriculture: Reduce Enterprise for the Americas debt forgiveness (P.L. SURE ie Fre Re sere aac dees ses tv vo nestncevensevennsunevstasoedeennveveueeats -6 =r -20 -36 -38 -79 Reduce development-oriented foreign food aid .............ss00 -30 -63 wat f4 -81 -90 -246 Phase out below-cost timber sales (Forest Service)................. -46 -59 -83 -86 -86 -274 Implement one new Farm Service Organization..............000 -65 -139 -219 -307 -403 -730 Reform crop insurance through area-yield .................scssccseee -105 -110 -165 =17 -177 -551 Reduce Economic Research Service programs..............sss0+ -12 -16 -16 -17 -18 -61 Reduce Foreign Agriculture Service programs................s0ss++ =5 -10 -10 -10 -10 -35 Reduce direct ACIF farm loans 25%; replace with guarantees -3 -8 -10 -10 rh -31 Education: Reform campus-based Qi ..............ccscssssessseessseessssesssserseseeses -20 -198 -239 -275 -312 -732 Ee pao | a a oe a -39 -86 -134 -145 -149 -404 Energy: Stretchout Superconducting Super Collider................:csssseseeees 108 ....2<s0. FSSA AS TIE SR ee Sei... 108 Implement uranium enrichment initiative .................cssceesseeees -241 -274 -374 -386 -340 -1,275 Reduce Strategic Petroleum Reserve fill by one-third.............. -55 -58 -22 37 39 -98 Housing and Urban Development: Eliminate public housing new Construction AMENAMENES.......... ceeececseeeeee seeeeeeeeeeesees ff -36 -58 -43 Modify fees Federal housing...................:ssssssssessesssessesecesensersess -40 -85 -136 -193 -204 -454 Reforming low-income housing preservation.............:sssseseeees -§ -15 -37 -58 -80 -115 Consolidate several HUD housing programs into HOME.......... -1 29 -56 -150 -474 -178 Justice: FISGUGCS PASON- CONSTUCTION......0.Nivccs.nccscancos Wits secssvesccscccscseconseses ~f -40 -103 -181 -249 -331 Transportation: Maintain level Federal Aviation Administration (Operations) ..... -55 -62 -62 -62 -62 -241 Adjust Coast Guard for military pay ............:cccsssscsssssessessenseeeees -29 -53 -69 -86 -99 -237 Veterans Affairs: Reform major COMStruction ..............-cssessssssssssescessessssssessseeenees =f -46 -95 -134 -152 -282 Improve management of VA hospitals................:cssseeeseesereeeees -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -1,000
       1994— 1997 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Environmental Protection Agency: Increase private sector Superfund financing...............sssceseees -31 -73 -95 -109 -118 -308 National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Redesign Space Station and invest in new technology ........... 203 662 625 636 510 2,126 Small Business Administration: Reduce 7(a) business loan subsidies ................cssscssscssssseesees -58 -113 -116 -118 -121 -405 Board for International Broadcasting: Consolidate overseas broadcasting.............:.sesssseeecsseeeeseeenes -60 -59 -281 -244 -250 -644 Executive Office of the President: Cut White House and Office of National Drug Control Policy a) Bae RE io ieee a oT <5 + A ee a Ea REE ne -20 -32 -37 -40 -43 -129 Funds Appropriated to the President: Re-orient AID programs and reduce spending ...............sese => -84 -152 #257, -341 -500 Phase out defense acquisition FUN ...............sscesecssscsescsessees -23 -92 -138 -133 -86 -386 Reduce International Security Assistance .............:cssccseeseeeees -84 -264 -504 -731 -943 -1,583 Reduce Enterprise for the Americas debt forgiveness (AID).... -8 -20 -34 -45 -54 -107 Export Import Bank of the United States: Reduce Export Import Bank Credits ............:cccsssccsscesessesssseeees -3 -6 -39 -105 -148 -153 U.S. Information Agency: Russian Far East Technical Assistance Center ............cssssse me rd =2 ~2 re -8 Terminate funding for North-South Center ..........-.scssesesseseees -4 -9 -9 -10 -10 -32 Multi-Agency: Freeze other foreign assistance programs...............sssesseessees -6 -14 -75 -95 a -190 Maintain current program level for programs in small ERSOTICIOS i Coste asc. ices epee cainns oh ce taciee qencpechinen cee nate eae a -30 -60 -92 -124 -194 No Federal Pay Raise CY94; ECI-Based Raise minus 1% CY1995-1997; revise locality pay beginning CY1995.............. -1,361 -1,963 -2,281 -2,741 -2,965 -8,346 Administrative Efficiencies: Cut 100,000 Federal employees...................sssssssssssssssseeeeeees -932 -2,180 -2,306 -2,509 -2,591 -7,927 Other administrative SAVINGS..............scsssssessesceseecssceesssrecsseees -676 -1,392 -2,169 -3,462 -3,553 -7,699 Reduce overhead rate on university R&D ..............ssssessseeseeees -156 -330 -369 -383 -396 -1,238 Subtotal, Managing Government for Cost-Effectiveness and 0 ec Mea Doe lieth 2 hen lh pcb th Se -4,003 -7,511 -10,271 -13,227 -14,819 -35,012 STREAMLINING GOVERNMENT AGQHOUNUNO . osigseccsvanceccedispscceeschcaecscRPeeastt teas texas EMR neeree enacts -38 -76 -96 At? -139 -327 EEQUICAIONT nw iosiascssstenontlectantt ercoscene erraerte toe Tee RR -70 -318 -486 -620 -758 -1,494 0 a PR RM PA be ek Me Se ieee MPR er ee Ae EOE Sa -3 rf. -12 =11 Health and Human Services ................cssccsssscsssscsssesceesseacsneseesscees -199 -500 -832 ' 1,168 ‘or 1,512e% »=2,689 Housing and Urban Development................cscssssscsesesscssssereeereeees -104 -265 -443 -621 -822 -1,433 Ti ORR ot Sree of tt, Diabla wpe ce eran ere -25 -19 -38 -56 -73 -138 a Pe te ate nee Oe ROM A ASI Le BOR” ETC et Shen 8 A 4 -52 -105 -161 -215 -320 Bites an. CF ARR 5 mati plies, baramananeter aterm -10 -25 -33 -44 -54 -112 "WRGSULY foes Pre ratetecanat castustexdacpsivapeatnatt quscieteereac ome -33 -52 -63 -68 —$3 -216 VeOROrans AM BS oon c..-Godiarscenscovscsvtl teases sdescces Aietaetereines deselReaaiecen avecesesss ean a -3 -6 -10 -10 Garp OF Erg O0 ens on: istisosies ececenssedb dex veorecnnonnsgisllarsstenescsvsilircesson? —13 -34 -56 al Th -99 -180 Environmental Protection AQency ............scesssscssessesssesereserenceneeeees -10 -38 -70 -103 -137 -221 COL OTIS 02a asnsaged4 sansa nnvrncostbbtaniccciccnsovegibaicnsscnceeeeaibeseracemme -100 -170 -230 -267 -292 -767 Subtotal, Streamlining Government.....................s:csceseeeeseeees -604 —1551 -2,458 -3315 -4,196 -7,928
    SS aaa aaa a a aS a STS EYES ee a ee TABLE 2. NON-DEFENSE DISCRETIONARY PROGRAM SAVINGS-Continued (Outlays in millions of dollars) I EE ES PE a A DE EEO IIT OT ES ERI PEASE PE SEE ITS OSES ty 1994- 1997 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total  TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS a can armiiaueibns Mecinas an cin enndivenpssenacens -9 -10 =10 -10 =11 -39 Re oan ch su pat esaquauisyorsenshvananenstsbiparseanses -30 =14 5 53 257 az Ie a eB da ciate adsssespoorsesecasisdessvennevaensussnaprentaseeee 66 122 131 135 134 454 ce S|. SEES |.” 5 Re. SSB ESE ARE SESE Me oR OOD 214 ncn ee -35 -144 179 PRO ALIMIAN SONVICES roo 60 nins covonssensscanesuniinvnuvencszesssnnesnbncsees -105 -91 -74 -61 -48 -331 Interior: Indian Land and Water Rights Claim Settlements..................... 200 200 200 200 200 800 RI IONE TOTES Sn Soon eins ace cadbtnlts cadnee oe ctbvactevnnstnseee 2 0 -4 -8 -10 -10 Sree EN ONE RCE eR Foo cs coevnw echt dacusncunensocnctuveviunnvescsvanctotecsiensees 41 55 65 72 78 233 Labor: Unemployment Insurance administration workload adjustment 130 133 126 119 143 508 CN ST ae: | Se 2 A re. -54 -194 -265 -270 -281 -783 evs ces axnoxw ct Oven adlmssvnnss tite snonansenaspstibncosanaie 169 106 147 79 117 501 UEUISIO ELEN 6 pense ta 8: 9 en 6 a 2 2 nd 104 Ze 127 135 144 488 Treasury: SE EIT oo ofan aseectcancesakonsecsssneexessnevenvncancavecarsenese 29 29 30 31 32 119 Fund additional IRS tax compliance efforts...............::cesscceeeee 143 156 163 171 178 633 Environmental Protection AQency..............ssscccscssseressersrsestessseeee =15 -§9 #95 -102 -104 2 General Services Administration....................csscscccsssssseeconeessseeeees -89 -90 -96 -222 -323 -497 Office of Personnel Management................-ssscsssssssscsseessseessseesees 3 9 8 5 9 25 Funds Appropriated to the President: International Affairs PEOOLAIITS = setiete ias cece acctticrscecsccnccorcocsctsncootencscevesdatnasemmsscacdnoverusenses 236 469 533 580 540 1,818 ee NN eects pe Posn-snn ate vsewascnaaseeacestacescacusioacseacensazcenarsee 83 250 131 110 97 574 Subtotal, Technical Adjustments. .....................:csssesseecessereee 1,118 1,196 1,122 982 1,008 4,418 PA Pe NIC PORIOTIOS: ga cceseacsssaciscetstecescs vassbiesiesdecasanavsdaidaniinecs -4,478 -10,193 -15,406 -20,218 -23,010 -50,295