The feminin' monarchi', or the histori' of bee's. Shewing their admirable natur', and propertis; their generation and colonis; their government, loyalti, art, industri; enimi's, wars, magnanimiti, etc. Together with the right ordering of them from tim' to tim': and the sweet' profit arising ther'of / Written out of Experienc( by Charles Butler.
- Butler, Charles, -1647.
- Date:
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: The feminin' monarchi', or the histori' of bee's. Shewing their admirable natur', and propertis; their generation and colonis; their government, loyalti, art, industri; enimi's, wars, magnanimiti, etc. Together with the right ordering of them from tim' to tim': and the sweet' profit arising ther'of / Written out of Experienc( by Charles Butler. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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