M0012774: Section XI, XII and XIII of the 'Medicine of the Aboriginal Peoples in the British Commonwealth' exhibition

December 1952
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view M0012774: Section XI, XII and XIII of the 'Medicine of the Aboriginal Peoples in the British Commonwealth' exhibition

Contains: 1 image

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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M0012774: Section XI, XII and XIII of the 'Medicine of the Aboriginal Peoples in the British Commonwealth' exhibition. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced January 2022: Medicine of Aborigenal Peoples in the British Commonwealth


Photograph of the 'Medicine of the Aboriginal Peoples in the British Commonwealth' exhibition held in the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and opened July 1952. The image shows Section XI on 'Protective appliances, Domestic Hygiene', Section XII on 'Personal Hygiene', and Section XIII on 'Amulets in Disease Prevention: Protection of Mother & Child'. Related images: M0012760, M0012761, M0012762, M0012763, M0012764, M0012765, M0012766, M0012767, M0012768, M0012769, M0012770, M0012771, M0012772, M0012773, M0012759, M0012775, M0012776, M0012777


December 1952

Physical description

1 photograph glass plate negative; 12 x 16.5 cm

Related material

Wellcome Collection holds material related to the exhibition depicted in the glass plate negative:WA/HMM/EX/F.9.

Copyright note

Copyright held by Wellcome Collection


Catalogue data comes from a combination of entries in the original glass plate registers, metadata created when the glass plates were digitised in the early 2000s and enhancements made by the cataloguer in 2022.

Terms of use

Please consult the digitised version as this item is fragile. Email library@wellcomecollection.org to request access to the physical item.

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