The tablet, or picture of real life : justly representing, as in a looking-glass, the virtues and vices, fopperies and fooleries, masks and mummeries of the age. With the true characters of the wise and good. In a select set of essays, serious and jocose, upon the most interesting subjects. Address'd to those who dare to think for themselves, and attempt, in earnest, to improve mankind / [Peter Shaw].
- Shaw, Peter, 1694-1763.
- Date:
- 1762
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: The tablet, or picture of real life : justly representing, as in a looking-glass, the virtues and vices, fopperies and fooleries, masks and mummeries of the age. With the true characters of the wise and good. In a select set of essays, serious and jocose, upon the most interesting subjects. Address'd to those who dare to think for themselves, and attempt, in earnest, to improve mankind / [Peter Shaw]. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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