Spine title : History and treatment of beriberi
"Printed by order of Government"
The plate illustrating of the spinal cord, inserted after p. 114, is described (on p. 114) as an engraving by Mr Gantz of Madras, after a coloured sketch by Lieut. Ryves. However, in this copy, it appears to be an original watercolour, not a print
Errata slip inserted after prelims
Ownership signatures of F. Ed. Barrow, Asst: Surgn. 89th P.V. Regt., Toungoo, B. Burma, May '76. on t.p. Two autograph mss ([2] leaves, folded, pasted in at the front) of F.E. Barrow :"Statement showing the number of beri-beri cases in the jail hospital Tounghoo [1876]"; "Memorandum on 'beri beri' from notes made at Toungoo, B. Burma on Nov. 9th. 78", signed and dated 'Gravesend, June 1884.'
Signatures / initials of F.E. Barrow on blank leaves at front, one dated 21.5.76 Towngoo B. Burma
Newspaper cutting (unidentified source), (folded and pasted in) at front : "Medical Society of London, Monday, March 31st, 1884 ... Beri-beri fever"