The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber: containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy in the working of metallick mines, and the separation of metals. Also, various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth / Translated into English, and pub. for publick good by Christopher Packe.

  • Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670.
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view The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber: containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy in the working of metallick mines, and the separation of metals. Also, various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth / Translated into English, and pub. for publick good by Christopher Packe.

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The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber: containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy in the working of metallick mines, and the separation of metals. Also, various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth / Translated into English, and pub. for publick good by Christopher Packe. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


London : Printed by T. Milbourn, for the author, etc., 1689.

Physical description

440 pages, 4 unnumbered pages, 220, 92 pages, [1l] pages, engr. frontispiece & plates ; (folio)


In three parts: pt. 2 has special t.-p

References note

Wing G845
Ferguson i.322
ESTC R21872
Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), G845


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  • Copy 1

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  • Copy 2

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