The mind and its machinery. Vol. I, The scientific basis for reading character : a new and simplified description of the temperaments, explaining how to estimate the powers, talents, tendencies and capabilities of man and all other animals, a description of body and mind, their mutual inter-relations, and the influence of each upon the other, together with a new and original philosophy regarding the operation of a part of the bodily organs / by V. P. English.
- English, V. P. (Virgil Primrose), 1858-
- Date:
- 1901
Licence: In copyright
Credit: The mind and its machinery. Vol. I, The scientific basis for reading character : a new and simplified description of the temperaments, explaining how to estimate the powers, talents, tendencies and capabilities of man and all other animals, a description of body and mind, their mutual inter-relations, and the influence of each upon the other, together with a new and original philosophy regarding the operation of a part of the bodily organs / by V. P. English. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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