A few facts and observations on the yellow fever of the West Indies. By which it is shewn, that there have existed two species of fever in the West-India islands ... indiscriminately called yellow fever, but which have proceeded from very different causes. With the success attending the method of cure / by James Anderson.

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view A few facts and observations on the yellow fever of the West Indies. By which it is shewn, that there have existed two species of fever in the West-India islands ... indiscriminately called yellow fever, but which have proceeded from very different causes. With the success attending the method of cure / by James Anderson.

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A few facts and observations on the yellow fever of the West Indies. By which it is shewn, that there have existed two species of fever in the West-India islands ... indiscriminately called yellow fever, but which have proceeded from very different causes. With the success attending the method of cure / by James Anderson. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.


This material has been provided by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. The original may be consulted at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

About this work


Edinburgh : printed for W. Mudie, 1798.

Physical description

47 pages


Bndg: Bound with other works




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Location of original

This material has been provided by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. The original may be consulted at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

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