A catalogue of books, in medicine, surgery, anatomy, chemistry, &c. : new and second hand ... sold by T. Underwood ... To which are added, tables of the pay of the Medical Department of the Army, Navy, and East India Company's service, a complete list of the lectures delivered in London, with their terms, hours of attendance, &c. &c.

  • Underwood, T. (Thomas), active 1811.
    Home;, Everard. Practical Obfervations on the Treatment of otri&ures in ehe Urethra and in the CEfophagus. In 2 vols. 8vo. 3d Edition. 14s. 6d. Hooper, Dr. Robert. The AnatomifPs Vade-Mecum, con¬ taining the Anatomy, Phyfiology, Morbid Appearances, Slc. o! the Human Body, the Art of making Anatomical Preparations, Sic. To which are now added, Anato¬ mical, Phyfiologica-1, Medical, and Surgical Examina¬ tions for Students, a new Edition., very materially im¬ proved, nmo. 9s. ——Anatomical Plates of the Bones and Mufcles, dim unified from Albinus 5 accompanied by Explanatory Maps. For the Uie of Students. The 3d Edition, mno. 7s. -—Anatomical Plates of the Thoracic and Abdominal Vilcera: accompanied by Explanatory Maps-. For trie Ufe of Students, nmo. 5s. ——The Phyiician's Vade M.cum : containing the Symp¬ toms, Caufes, Biagnofls, Prognofis, and Treatment of Difeafes. Accompanied by a fele£l Collection of For¬ mulae, and a GlofTary of Terms, i2mo. 6s. Howard, John. Practical Obfenations on the Natural Hif- fiory and Cure of the Venereal Diieaie, 2 vols. 8vo. igs. Hull, Dr. John. The Britifli Flora, or a fyftematic A.® rangment of Biitifh Plants. Vol. I. '2.d edition. Ad 1 the new Species of Britifli Plants belonging to the firft 23 Claifes are now added from Sowerby’s Britiflx. Botany. References are given to the Plates of that Work up to the Month of May, gvo.^s, ——A Deience of the Cefarean Operation, with Obfervations on Embryulcia, and the Section of the Symphyiis Pubis* addrefled to Mr. W. Simmons, ot Manchelfer, Au¬ thor of Rekftions on the Propriety of performing the Cefarean Operation. Containing lome new Calcs, and illuftrated by Even Engravings, 8vo. §s.
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