Lately published, in one large volume 8vo. Price 9s. in boards, or 10s. 6d. on superfine paper, the second edition, considerably enlarged and improved, Lectures on diet and regimen, being a systematic inquiry into the most rational means of preserving health and prolonging life; together with physiological and chemical explanations, calculated chiefly for the use of families; In order to banish the prevailing abuses and prejudices in medicine. By A.F.M. Willich, M.D.

  • Longman and Rees (London, England)
  • Books
  • Online

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view Lately published, in one large volume 8vo. Price 9s. in boards, or 10s. 6d. on superfine paper, the second edition, considerably enlarged and improved, Lectures on diet and regimen, being a systematic inquiry into the most rational means of preserving health and prolonging life; together with physiological and chemical explanations, calculated chiefly for the use of families; In order to banish the prevailing abuses and prejudices in medicine. By A.F.M. Willich, M.D.

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Lately published, in one large volume 8vo. Price 9s. in boards, or 10s. 6d. on superfine paper, the second edition, considerably enlarged and improved, Lectures on diet and regimen, being a systematic inquiry into the most rational means of preserving health and prolonging life; together with physiological and chemical explanations, calculated chiefly for the use of families; In order to banish the prevailing abuses and prejudices in medicine. By A.F.M. Willich, M.D. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


[London] : [Printed for T.N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-row], [1799]

Physical description

4 unnumbered pages ; 8vo (22 cm)


Drop-head title.
'Lectures on diet and regimen' was "printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees".
Drop-head title on p. 2: 'Books printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, No. 39, Paternoster-Row.' with the first line of text: "Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the years".

References note

ESTC, T166261


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