[Prospectuses, etc / the First International Eugenics Congress, the University of London, 24-30 July, 1912].

  • International Eugenics Congress 1912 : London, England)
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view [Prospectuses, etc / the First International Eugenics Congress, the University of London, 24-30 July, 1912].

Contains: 214 images

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[Prospectuses, etc / the First International Eugenics Congress, the University of London, 24-30 July, 1912]. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


[London?] : [Eugenics Education Society?], [1912?]

Physical description

1 volume ; 24 cm


Bound collection of invitation circulars, programmes, timetables, etc. Proceedings or transcripts are not included.
Copy 1 Note: Formerly in the Eugenics Society library. Pasted to front endpapers is transcript of 1963 correspondence between the Society and the Carnegie Institution of Washington



Where to find it

  • LocationStatus
    Medical Collection
    QZ50 1912I61p
    Open shelves

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