A display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies, viz. the sect of the Banians, the ancient natiues of India, and the sect of the Persees, the ancient inhabitants of Persia, together with the religion and maners of each sect / Collected into two bookes by Henry Lord.
- Lord, Henry, active 1624-1630.
- Date:
- 1630
- Books
About this work
London : T. & R. Cotes Imprinted for Francis Constable, 1630.
Physical description
95 pages, 1 leaf, 10 unnumbered pages, 53 pages : additional engr. title page ; (4to)
Signatures: t.-p. (unsigned), A⁶, B-Y⁴(last leaf (blank?) wanting)
Illustrated t.-p., engraved, signed: Will: Marshall sculpsit
Each part has special t.-p.; [pt. 1] A discoverie of the sect of the Banians. Containing their history, law, liturgie, casts, customes, and ceremonies. Gathered from their Bramanes, teachers of that sect: as the particulars were comprized in the booke of their law, called the Shaster ... London, Printed by T. and R. Cotes, for Fra. Constable, 1630. [pt. 2] The religion of the Persees. As it was compiled from a booke of theirs, contayning the forme of their worshippe, written in the Persian character, and by them called their Zundavastaw. Wherein is shewed the superstitious ceremonies vsed among them. More especially their idolatrous worshippe of fire ... London, Printed for Fra. Constable, 1630
References note
STC 16825
ESTC S108886
STC (2nd ed.), 16825
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed storesEPB/B/3870