Sex and the Weimar Republic : German homosexual emancipation and the rise of the Nazis / Laurie Marhoefer.

  • Marhoefer, Laurie
  • Books

About this work


Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2015]

Physical description

xvi, 340 pages : black and white illustrations ; 24 cm.

Bibliographic information

Includes bibliographical references (pages 297-325) and index.


Introduction : the opening night of the Institute for Sexual Science, July, 1919 -- Homosexual emancipation, censorship, and the revolution of 1918-1919 -- Lesbianism, reading, and law -- Female prostitution, modern heterosexuality, and the 1927 venereal disease law -- Male prostitution, homosexual emancipation, and the 1929 vote to repeal the sodomy law -- "The third sex greets the Third Reich!" the Röhm scandal, 1931 1932 -- The politics of "immoral" sexuality in the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazis -- Conclusion : the Weimar settlement on sexual politics.


Where to find it

  • LocationStatus
    History of Medicine
    Open shelves

Permanent link



  • 9781442649156
  • 1442649151
  • 9781442626577
  • 1442626577