The maze of trees, emotional cancer journey, artwork

  • Michele Angelo Petrone
  • Digital Images
  • Online

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About this work


Painting titled "The maze of trees" by artist and cancer patient Michele Angelo Petrone (1963-2007). A figure stands alone in a forest with their arm around a tree. "I'm confused. I'm lost as to which way to turn - who to turn to. Before, everything seemed so clear. Now, which way to turn, which path to follow? Help me, please somebody show me the way. I had an exhibition on then, called Into the light. It was designed as a celebration of my restoration to health - but in fact it marked my relapse. Was the light, into which I might be going, the great celestial light?" This painting forms part of a series of work "The emotional cancer journey", which explores the emotions and feelings the artist experienced during his cancer journey. Michele was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1994. He founded the MAP foundation in 2002 to promote expression, communication and understanding of serious illness and dying.

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