An answer to Mr. Kirkland's Essay, towards an improvement in the cure of those diseases which are the cause of fevers. Wherein is shewn, the error of his arguments for the use of cold water in extinguishing fevers / [Archibald Maxwell].

  • Maxwell, Archibald, -1769
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view An answer to Mr. Kirkland's Essay, towards an improvement in the cure of those diseases which are the cause of fevers. Wherein is shewn, the error of his arguments for the use of cold water in extinguishing fevers / [Archibald Maxwell].

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An answer to Mr. Kirkland's Essay, towards an improvement in the cure of those diseases which are the cause of fevers. Wherein is shewn, the error of his arguments for the use of cold water in extinguishing fevers / [Archibald Maxwell]. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


London : T. Becket & P.A. de Hondt, 1768.

Physical description

67 pages ; (8vo)

References note

ESTC T6146


Copy 1 Note: First leaf (half-title?) wanting. Bound with: Kirkland, T. An essay towards an improvement in the cure of those diseases which are the cause of fevers. 1767.


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