Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 (Provisional Regulations) : copy of provisional regulations, dated 20th March, 1914, made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department with the concurrence of the Local Government Board under section 30, proviso (ii) of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 : (presented pursuant to Act 3 & 4 Geo. V., c. 28, s. 68).

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view Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 (Provisional Regulations) : copy of provisional regulations, dated 20th March, 1914, made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department with the concurrence of the Local Government Board under section 30, proviso (ii) of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 : (presented pursuant to Act 3 & 4 Geo. V., c. 28, s. 68).

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Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 (Provisional Regulations) : copy of provisional regulations, dated 20th March, 1914, made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department with the concurrence of the Local Government Board under section 30, proviso (ii) of the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 : (presented pursuant to Act 3 & 4 Geo. V., c. 28, s. 68). In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.


This material has been provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England. The original may be consulted at The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

About this work


London : Printed under the authority of H.M.S.O. by Darling and Son, 1914.

Physical description

4 pages ; 24 cm


'Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26th March, 1914'



Where to find it

Location of original

This material has been provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England. The original may be consulted at The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

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