Preventive conservation in museums : video handbook / Audiovisual Department, Université du Québec à Montréal, Department of Canadian Heritage, Canadian Conservation Institute, [and] Centre de conservation du Québec.

[1995], ©1995
  • Books

About this work


Handbook for the 19-video series Preventive conservation in museums. Each video is described in a chapter: 1. Introduction, 2. Light and lighting, 3. Relative humidity and temperature, 4. Pollutants, 5. Integrated pest management, 6. Packing and transportation of museum objects, 7. Storage, 8. Protecting objects on exhibition, 9. Emergency contingency planning, 10. Closing a seasonal museum, 11. The condition report, 12. Handling museum objects, 13. The care of paintings, 14. The care of works on paper, 15. The care of sculptures, 16. The care of metal objects, 17. The care of furniture, 18. The care of textiles, 19. The care of museum objects.


Montŕeal : Université du Québec à Montréal, [1995], ©1995.

Physical description

152 pages ; 21 cm


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