Hortus Eystettensis, siue, Diligens et accurata omnium plantarum, florum, stirpium, ex variis orbis terræ partibus, singulari studio collectarum, quæ in celeberrimis viridariis arcem episcopalem ibidem cingentibus, hoc tempore conspiciuntur, delineatio et aduiuum repræsentatio / operâ Basilii Besleri philiatri et pharmacopoei.

  • Besler, Basilius, 1561-1629.
M. DC. XIII. [i.e. 1627]
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About this work

Also known as

Hortus Eystettensis
Hortvs Eystettensis, sive Diligens et accvrata omnivm plantarvm, florvm, stirpivm, ex variis orbis terræ partibvs, singvlari stvdio collectarvm, qvæ in celeberrimis viridariis arcem episcopalem ibidem cingentibvs, hoc tempore conspicivntvr, delineatio et advivvm repræsentatio


[Germany [Eichstätt?] : Basilius Besler?], M. DC. XIII. [i.e. 1627]

Physical description

4 parts (424 leaves including 368 plates) : illustrations, portrait ; folio masc.


Engravings, with descriptive text on verso, are arranged in 4 pts. (classis verna, autumnalis, aestiva, hyberna), each with orders within it (the plates are numbered within each order), & indexes. Text and introduction are in Latin with the German name in the text; indexes in Latin and in German.
Dedication to Bishop Johann Conrad von Gemmingen signed "Datum Eystetti in monte S. Wilibaldi ... Anno Dominicæ sal. M DC XII.
Added engraved t.p. with a chronogram dated 1627 (HortorVMDona, et VIrtVtes nos Cere, VIrtVs est:): Icones sive repraesentation viva, florum et herbaum: Opera Basilii Besleri Philiatri et pharmacopoei Norici. ("r" of "herbarum" inserted in ink). Additional symbolic engraving of a vase of flowers.
Engravings by Johann Leypoldt, Servatius, Raphael Custos, Wolfgang Kilian, Heinrich Ulrich and others. Engraved title page signed by Wolffgang Kilian; also 4 engraved special title pages, 1 preceding each classis.
Copy 1. Uncoloured copy. Bound in one volume. 20th century binding, half calf and cloth. Leaves which should have half titles for "Primus ordo collectorum plantarum vernalium" and "Primus ordo collectorum plantarum hyemalium" have been reprinted. The rectos are blank and plate on versos is very faint. Index/Register for Classis aestiva has been reprinted. Some marginal notes in English, probably 18th century. Accession no. 16118. Purchased at Sotheby's on 9th June 1906, lot 1517. From the collection of Frederick Burbridge (1847-1905) who had been Curator of the Botanic Garden at Trinity College Dublin.


Plantarum horti Eystaettensis Classis verna : Ordo collectarum arborum et fructicum vernalium. Ordines collectarum plantarum vernalium, I-IX. -- Classis aestiva : Ordo collectarum arborum et fructicum aestivallum. Ordines collectarum plantarum aestivalium, I-XIIII. -- Classis autumnalis : Ordines collectarum plantarum autumnalium, I-IV. -- Classis Hyberna: Ordines collectarum plantarum hyemalium, I.

References note

Barker, N. Hortus Eystettensis, the bishops's garden and Besler's magnificent book, (London, 1994).


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