A marble vase ("The Warwick vase"). Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.

  • Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778.
[between 1768 and 1778]
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view A marble vase ("The Warwick vase"). Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.

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A marble vase ("The Warwick vase"). Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


The fragments of the vase had been excavated by Gavin Hamilton at Hadrian's villa at Tivoli in 1771, were bought by Sir William Hamilton, restored by him and sold to his nephew, the 2nd Earl of Warwick, after which it was known as the "Warwick Vase": Ingamells, loc. cit.


[Rome] : [Piranesi], [between 1768 and 1778]

Physical description

1 print : etching ; platemark 72 x 47.5 cm


Altra veduta del già descritto vaso. Si rende particolare l'idea generale di questa mole per le sue nobili investiture d'ornamenti, che la compongono. Lo scultore ingegnosamente ha ricoperto la principal circonferenza di due pelli di tigri: cosichè le ha distribuite in maniera, che formar dovessero un decoroso ornamento, ed a guisa di nobile apparato dispose, che non solo la testa ma anche le sue zampe un oggetto formassero interessante, e de'principali. ... che forma la grazia di tutto il lavoro del vaso, come pure gli altri ornam.ti allusivi sono anch'essi allo stesso sogg.to. Cav. Piranesi f.

References note

John Ingamells, A dictionary of British and Irish travellers in Italy, 1701-1800 compiled from the Brinsley Ford archive, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1997, p. 455


Wellcome Collection 757200i



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