The institutions or fundamentals of the whole art, both of physick and chirurgery : divided into five books. Plainly discovering ... The nature of all diseases, their causes ... and cures. Also The grounds of chymistry, and the way of making all sorts of salves, and preparing of medicines according to art / ... Made English by N.D.B.P. late of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge.
- Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637
- Date:
- 1656
- Books
About this work
London : Printed for Lodowick Lloyd, 1656.
Physical description
8 unnumbered pages, 472 (i. e. 474), 5 unnumbered pages ; 17 cm (8vo)
Translation of his Epitome institutionum medicinae.
Adverts on last 3 leaves.
References note
Wing S2535.
ESTC R209195
Thomason, E.1568[1]
Wing (2nd ed.), S2535
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed storesEPB/A/47806