A disquisition of the stone and gravel, and other diseases of the bladder, kidneys, &c. : the occult causes of the stone assign'd, its principles explain'd; with the manner of its accumulation, and by what means a nucleus is first form'd, which generates the stone. Also, stated diagnostics for distinguishing such diseases from carunculae and excressences [sic] of the urethra, the effects of a venereal taint, with the most rational method of cure / By Wm. Adams [pseud].
- Perry, S. (Sampson), 1747-1823.
- Date:
- [between 1770 and 1779?]
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: A disquisition of the stone and gravel, and other diseases of the bladder, kidneys, &c. : the occult causes of the stone assign'd, its principles explain'd; with the manner of its accumulation, and by what means a nucleus is first form'd, which generates the stone. Also, stated diagnostics for distinguishing such diseases from carunculae and excressences [sic] of the urethra, the effects of a venereal taint, with the most rational method of cure / By Wm. Adams [pseud]. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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