A young man at the centre with three women and a black man surrounding him with the question: 'Me, AIDS?' in German and that 'AIDS affects us all' bottom; with a message below in French about how these youths have not changed their social lifestyles since talking about AIDS, they just use condoms now; an advertisement for safe sex by the Ministère de la Santé. Colour lithograph.

[between 1990 and 1999]
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view A young man at the centre with three women and a black man surrounding him with the question: 'Me, AIDS?' in German and that 'AIDS affects us all' bottom; with a message below in French about how these youths have not changed their social lifestyles since talking about AIDS, they just use condoms now; an advertisement for safe sex by the Ministère de la Santé. Colour lithograph.

Contains: 1 image

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A young man at the centre with three women and a black man surrounding him with the question: 'Me, AIDS?' in German and that 'AIDS affects us all' bottom; with a message below in French about how these youths have not changed their social lifestyles since talking about AIDS, they just use condoms now; an advertisement for safe sex by the Ministère de la Santé. Colour lithograph. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


Luxembourg : Ministère de la Santé, Luxembourg, [between 1990 and 1999]

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in brown/black with red and white ; sheet 59.3 x 41.9 cm


Mir? AIDS? Les discos, les concerts et les soirées folles, c'est ça la jeunesse. S'amuser, draguer et tomber amoureux. Des fois, ça finit même au lit dans les bras de notre conquête. Notre comportement n'a pas trop changé depuis qu'on parle du SIDA, sauf que nous uilisons maintenant des préservatifs. AIDS betrëfft eis all. Gitt op nummer sécher. Ministère de la Santé - Luxembourg. Bears letters: COMED


Wellcome Collection 672131i

Copyright note

Ministère de la Santé 199- Ministère de la Santé 18/11/08 Luxembourg UkLW Transcription from the item



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