Purkinje cell and dendritic tree, rat cerebellar cortex, SEM.

  • Häusser, Michael.
  • Digital Images
  • Online

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Purkinje cell and dendritic tree, rat cerebellar cortex, SEM. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


Scanning electron micrograph of the dendritic tree of a purkinje neurone in the cerebellar cortex of a rat brain. Dendritic trees are the tiny receiving elements of neurones and receive the vast majority of input information coming into the neurone. They have an elaborate branching structure which helps to define the 'personality' of individual neurones. Dendrites are not passive receivers, but instead actively transform the signals they receive, which dramatically enhances the computational power of single neurones. The cerebellar cortex forms part of the cerebellum, the region of the brain which plays a role in controlling accuracy and coordination of movement. This purkinje cell was filled with a visual marker using the patch-clamp technique. It was then imaged using a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope which allows neurones and neural circuits to be reconstructed in high resolution. This image is 110 micrometres wide and 141 micrometres high. Scanning electron micrograph 2014



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