Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Sugar
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Illustration of granulated sugar (shatang) from Shiwu bencao (Materia dietetica), a dietetic herbal in four volumes dating from the Ming period (1368-1644). The identity of the author and artists is unknown. It contains entries on over 300 medicinal substances and is illustrated by almost 500 paintings in colour.
Shatang is a synonym of zhetang (cane sugar). The illustration shows a man manufacturing granulated sugar. Behind him is a press for extracting sugar cane juice.
The text states: Granulated sugar is sweet in sapor, cold in thermostatic character and non-poisonous. It is very cooling. It has the medicinal properties of clearing heat from the heart, lungs and large intestine, regulating the centre and assisting the spleen, killing parasites (gu), alleviating alcohol poisoning, etc. It should not be taken in large quantities; eaten to excess, it damages the teeth, causes malnutrition symptoms (gan) and harms the muscles.