The boke of secretes / [Albertus].
- Date:
- 1969
- Books
About this work
Also known as
Liber aggregationis. English. n 92122761
New York : Da Capo Press, 1969.
Physical description
169 unnumbered pages ; 16 cm.
Original t.p. reads: The boke of secretes of Albartus Magnus, of the vertues of herbes, stones and certaine beastes. Also, a boke of the same author of the maruaylous th[in]ges of the world: and o[f] certaine effectes, caused of certayne beastes. MDXXC
The boke of secretes (known as Liber aggregationis or Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam) and the Boke of the maruaylous thinges of the world (De mirabilibus mundi) are falsely attributed to Albertus Magnus. Cf. Deutscher Gesamtkat
Facsimile reprint.
Where to find it
Location Status History of MedicineBVA.AA2Open shelves