Fol. 1r, manuscript dedication : "Glubokouvazhaemomu Ivanu Vasilevichu Meschaninovu na pamiat ot Aleksandra Levina" (To the most esteemed Ivan Vasilevich Meschanonoff from Alexander Levine. A souvenir.)
Fol. 2r, photograph no. 1 : "Kishlak Marzich" (Kishlaq Marzich), settlement, Ayni, District, Tajikistan
Fol. 2r, photograph no. 2 : "Po zakasp. Zhel. Dor. Karavan verbliudov" (Trans-Caspian railway, camels), a road which follows the Silk Road: construction began in 1876
Fol. 3r, photograph no. 3 : "Po zakasp. Zhel. Dor. Geok-Tepeh. Skobelevskii muzei" (Trans-Caspian railway. Geok-Tepeh. Gen. Skobelev museum), Gökdepe a city in later Turkmenistan. Gen. Skobelev (1843-1882) was Governor-General of Ferghana. On 12 November 1880 he successfully took Gökdepe
Fol. 4r, photograph no. 4 : "Pereprava cherez r. IAgnob-Dariu" (A Yagnob-Darya crossing), a river in Tajikistan, a tribute of Fan-darya
Fol. 5r, photograph no. 5 : "Kishlak Dar-Dar" (Kishlak Dar-Dar), a settlement, Ayni, District, Tajikistan
Fol. 5r, photograph no. 6 : "Mechet v kishlake Tok-Fan" (A mosque in the Tok-Fan kishlaq), Ayni, District, Tajikistan, Gissar
Fol. 6r, photograph no. 7 : "Mostik na r[eke] Fan-dar" (A little bridge over the Fan-dar), river in Tajikistan
Fol. 7r, photograph no. 8 : "Fanskoe uschele" (Fann valley), part of the western Pamir-Alay mountain system, and primarily located in the Sughd Province of Tajikistan, between the Zarafshan Range to the north and the Gissar Range
Fol. 7r, photograph no. 9 : "Vbrod cherez r[eku] Zaravshan" (Wade over the Zaravshan river), Zaravshan one of the most important rivers in Tajikistan
Fol. 8r, photograph no. 10 : "Karniz po r[eke] Fan-dare" (A mountain cornice along the river Fann)
Fol. 9r, photograph no. 11 : "Razvaliny starinnoi bukharskoi kreposti Saravand" (Ruins of the Saravand fortress), fortress Falak al-Aflak, Luristan
Fol. 9r, photograph no. 12 : "Most Sangistan-puli na r[eke] Fan-dar" (Sanghistan-puli bridge over the Fann-darya river)
Fol. 10r, photograph no. 13 : "Balkon na fanskom karnize" (A "balcony" on the Fann cornice)
Fol. 11r, photograph no. 14 : "Kishlachek na beregu r[eki] Zaravshana" (An unknown little kishlak on the bank of the Zaravshan river)
Fol. 11r, photograph no. 15 : "Puli-Mulla" (Puli-Mulla), a well-known bridge in the valley of Yaghnob river
Fol. 12r, photograph no. 17 : "Reka Iagnob-Daria" (River Yaghnob-Darya), river in Tajikistan
Fol. 13r, photograph no. 18 : "Spusk v dolinu r[eki] Zaravshana" (A slope in the Zaravshan valley)
Fol. 13r, photograph no. 19 : "Most pod Anzobom" (a bridge near Anzob)
Fol. 14r, photograph no. 20 : "Reka Fan-Darya" (Fann-Darya river)
Fol. 15r, photograph no. 21 : "Ulica v g[orode] Bukhara" (A street in Bukhara)
Fol. 15r, photograph no. 22 : "Pitiiskii most na r[eke] Fan-dare" (A bridge crossing over the river Fann), seen in a subsequent photograph at
Fol. 16r, photograph no. 23 : "Dar-Darskjii karniz" (A cornice near the Dar-Dar village), cf. photograph no. 5 above
Fol. 17r, photograph no. 24 : "Khlopkovyi bazar v g[orode] Bukhare" (A cotton market in Bukhara)
Fol. 17r, photograph no. 25 : "Letnii dvorec emira v g[orode] Bukhare" (The summer palace of the emir, Bukhara)
Fol. 18r, photograph no. 26 : "Na Fanskom karnize" (Over the Fann river cornice), cf. photograph no. 10 above
Fol. 19r, photograph no. 27 : "Kermine. Zhezlonoscy emira" (Kermine. the mace bearers of the emir), at Karmana, a settlement in Navoi district, Uzbekistan
Fol. 19r, photograph no. 28 : "Bazarnaia ulica v g[orode] Bukhare" (a market street in Bukhara)
Fol. 20r, photograph no. 29 : "Na Fanskom karnize" (Over the Fann river cornice), cf. photograph no. 10 above
Fol. 21r, photograph no. 30 : "Predokhranitelnye privivki v Anzobe" (Prophylactics. Vaccination in Anzob), a doctor of the Russian Imperial Army Medical Service demonstrating the vaccination of a private (soldier)
Fol. 22r, photograph no. 31 : "Karantin v Tok-Fane" (A Tok-Fann quarantine), in Ayni, District, Tajikistan
Fol. 23r, photograph no. 32 : "Grot na granitse Anzobskago otsepleniia" (A grotto on the outskirts of the Anzob military belt)