The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit remedies for the several indispositions of new-born babes. To which is prefix'd an exact description of the parts of generation in women ... / [François Mauriceau].

  • Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709
  • Books

About this work


London : T. Cox, J. Clarke, & T. Combes, 1727.

Physical description

xliv, 373 (i. e. 375) pages, 3 unnumbered leaves : plates (most folded), illustrations ; (8vo)


6th ed. /


One leaf, paged (193)-(194), inserted between pages 192 and 193
The translation, by the elder Hugh Chamberlen, has been erroneously attributed to his son of the same name
Translation of Des maladies des femmes grosses et accouchées, based upon the first French ed. of 1668
Apparently a page-for-page reprint of the 6th ed. printed for Andrew Bell in 1718.
Copy 1 Note: With plate of 'tire-tête' and description.

References note

ESTC T69151


Where to find it

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    Closed stores

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