The head of an ox and the head of an ox-like man: three figures of each, showing their physiognomical relations. Etching, c. 1820, after C. Le Brun.

  • Le Brun, Charles, 1619-1690.
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view The head of an ox and the head of an ox-like man: three figures of each, showing their physiognomical relations. Etching, c. 1820, after C. Le Brun.

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The head of an ox and the head of an ox-like man: three figures of each, showing their physiognomical relations. Etching, c. 1820, after C. Le Brun. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified]

Physical description

1 print : etching


C. le Brun invenit. Cum privil. regis Numbered 16a and 16b in the French edition


Wellcome Collection 34139i

Reproduction note

Printed in reverse to same design by Louis Simonneau


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