Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: Chunyu Yi

  • Gan Bozong (Tang period, 618-907)
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One of a series of woodcuts of illustrious physicians and legendary founders of Chinese medicine from an edition of Bencao mengquan (Introduction to the Pharmacopoeia), engraved in the Wanli reign period of the Ming dynasty (1573-1620) -- Volume preface, 'Lidai mingyi hua xingshi' (Portraits and names of famous doctors through history). The images are attributed to a Tang (618-907) creator, Gan Bozong. The account in 'Portraits and Names of Famous Doctors through History' states: Chunyu Yi held the office of Reverend Master of the Granary (Tai Cang Gong) of the Kingdom of Qi, and is hence also known by the title Tai Cang Gong or Cang Gong. He was a masterly physician. The 'Biography of Bian Que and Cang Gong' in Shiji (Records of the Historian) records that Chunyu Yi was summoned to examine the Emperor's sick mother. Having examined her pulses, he said that she had a wind fever (fengdan) in her bladder, which was causing problems with urination and defecation and blood in the urine. He prescribed a decoction to treat fire, saying that on drinking this, she would be able to urinate more easily; and with continued treatment, the illness would be cured and her urine would return to normal.


Cang Gong Chunyu Yi (Reverend Master of the Granary, Chunyu Yi)


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