Louis Jean Le Thieullier. Line engraving by E. Fessard, 1743.
- Date:
- 1743
- Reference:
- 5551i
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Physical description
1 print
M. Lud. Joan. Le Thieullier doct. med. Par reg. consiliar. in maj. consil. et in magna reg. dom. et Franc. praef. med. ord. Aspicis ora viri medica simulo arte periti / Atque probi; virtus altius ire nequit. / Hoc pietatis et grati animi pignus offerebat Silv. Ant. Lemoine eques, D.M.P. ann. 1743. Fessard scul.
References note
Edmond Pognon and Yves Bruand, Inventaire du fonds français, graveurs du XVIIIe siècle, Bibliothèque nationale, Département des estampes, tome IX, Paris 1962, p. 37, no. 42
R. Burgess, Portraits of doctors & scientists in the Wellcome Institute, London 1973, no. 1750.1
Wellcome Collection 5551i
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