On the relation of the Westleton Beds, or pebbly sands of Suffolk, to those of Norfolk, and on their extension inland : with some observations on the period of the final elevation and denudation of the Weald and of the Thames Valley, etc. / by Joseph Prestwich.

  • Prestwich, Joseph, 1812-1896.

Licence: Public Domain Mark

Credit: On the relation of the Westleton Beds, or pebbly sands of Suffolk, to those of Norfolk, and on their extension inland : with some observations on the period of the final elevation and denudation of the Weald and of the Thames Valley, etc. / by Joseph Prestwich. Source: Wellcome Collection.

Provider: This material has been provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England. The original may be consulted at The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
