Specimen medico-pratico-botanicum, seu brevis & dilucida explicatio virtutum plantarum & stirpium indigenarum, in officinis Pharmaceuticis qvam plurimum usitatarum, atqve juxta ordinem, ut vocant, alphabeticum, prout in Regio Botanico horto Hafniensi inveniuntur, dispositarum; in gratiam Botanophilorum atqve usum Medicum / concinnata à Doct: Joh: de Buchwald.

  • Buchwald, Johannes de.
Anno Christi MDCCXX. [1720]
  • Books

About this work


Hafniae : Typis Wielandianis, Anno Christi MDCCXX. [1720]

Physical description

10 unnumbered pages, 320, that is, 321 pages, 1 unnumbered page ; 4to (25 cm)


Error in pagination: 185 repeated
Plant labels in Latin, Danish, German and French on verso of leaves with space for specimens. Explanatory text on the plant's pharmaceutical uses and preparation printed on the facing rectos.
Copy 1. With pressed dried plants inserted on nearly all spaces reserved for specimens. Many with contemporary annotations in red ink. Some other plant specimens also loosely inserted. Binding: 18th century sprinkled calf. Inscription on first endleaf "Edward".


Where to find it

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    Closed stores

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