Findings from The Nation's Diet : an ESRC research programme.
- Date:
- [1997?]
- Books
About this work
18 loose pages, each summarising the main findings from a project that was part of the Nation's Diet research programme, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
"When this Programme was launched in 1992, it was already possible to suggest that Britons were perhaps more food conscious than at any previous moment in the nation's history. As we remarked then, food is simultaneously a familiar part of the daily round, the centre of a massive industry, the subject of major biomedical inquiry and, as a result, a constant item in the news. All this provided the rationale for the first Research Programme the ESRC had ever mounted on food choice - a rationale which, if anything, has even more force now. The Programme's purpose was to begin remedying the lack of any extensive, systematic, social scientific study of quite why we eat what we do. The six-year £1.6 million, multi-disciplinary basic social science Programme was arranged in three parts. The first phase of eight projects began in 1992, with a second phase, of another eight, beginning in 1994. The final part, added later, comprised two one-year Programme research fellowships. They were all based at academic research centres in England, Scotland and Wales. This pack contains summaries of some of their main findings."--From inside folder cover.
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