Edward Jenner, with a view of Berkeley, Glos. Oil painting attributed to John Raphael Smith.
- Smith, John Raphael, 1752-1812
- Date:
- [between 1769 and 1812]
- Reference:
- 45707i
- Pictures
Selected images from this work
View 2 imagesAbout this work
[England?], [between 1769 and 1812]
Physical description
1 painting : oil on canvas ; canvas approximately 45 x 35 cm
Related material
Select images of this work were taken by the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum: WT/D/1/20/1/100/58
References note
Wright, Christopher et al (2006) British and Irish paintings in public collections, New Haven and London: Yale University Press for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, page 731
Wellcome Collection 45707i
Exhibitions note
Exhibited in 'Enlightened princesses: Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte, and the shaping of the modern world' at Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 19 January 2017-5 May 2017.
Where to find it
Location Status Access On ExhibitionNote