Cosmographia Petri Apiani / per Gemmam Frisium apud Louanienses medicum & mathematicum insignẽ, iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis aucta, figurísque nouis illustrata: additis eiusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmæ Frisii.
- Apian, Peter, 1495-1552.
- Date:
- 1551
- Books
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Parisiis : Væneunt apud Viuantium Gaultherot, via Iacobea: sub intersignio D. Martini, 1551.
Physical description
2 unnumbered pages, 74 [i. e. 70] leaves : illustrations, woodcut on title page, woodcuts (4 with movable dials) ; (4to)
Signatures: A-H, K-T⁴. Sig. I (leaves 31-34) reserved for map of the world
Sig. F irregularly numbered: F, Fij, Fiij, Eiiij
Leaves signed Aiii-[Tiiij] are numbered 1-74
Title vignette, with legend "L'inferieure partie de la sphere" is the same as that in French edition of 1551
Printed in italics, leaves 37-56 in double columns. Initials; marginal notes
Revolving diagrams on verso of leaves 8, 9, and 11, and on recto of leaves 30 and 57. Inscriptions on these diagrams, also on some of the illustrations in the text, are in French
Libellus de locorum describendorum ratione ... per Gemmam Frisivm: leaves 59-66
Vsvs annvli astronomici, Gemma Frisio ... auctore: leaves 66 (verso)- 73
Imperfect: wanting sig. I (leaves 31-34) and revolving diagram on recto of leaf 30
Copy 1 Note: Sheet C (ff. 7-10) is wanting and sheet C (ff. 9-12), the corresponding section from the French translation of 1553, has been substituted.
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