The diall of destiny : A booke very delectable and pleasaunt: wherein may be seene the continuall and customable course, disposition, qualities, effectes, and influence of the seuen planets ouer all kyndes of creatures here belowe: also the seuerall and sundry situation of countryes and kingdomes. Compiled and discussed briefly, aswell astrologically, as poetically, and philosophically by Iohn Maplet Maister of Arte.
- Maplet, John, -1592
- Date:
- 1581
- Books
- Online
Online resources
About this work
Imprinted at London : In Fleestreat [sic] neere vnto Sainte Dunstones Church by Thomas Marshe, 1581.
Physical description
7 unnumbered pages, 73 pages, 3 unnumbered leaves
Includes index.
Instead of index at end, the British Library copy has 2 leaves: "A description of such dayes as are most happie and vnhappie" possibly also printed by Marsh.
Reproduction of the original in the Bodleian Library.
References note
STC (2nd ed.) 17295.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 556:07) s1999 miun s