Vivae imagines partium corporis humani aereis formis expressae.

  • Valverde de Amusco, Juan, approximately 1525-approximately 1588.
  • Books

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About this work


Antverpiae : Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1566.

Physical description

153 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 48 unnumbered pages : illustrations (engravings) ; 33 cm (4to)


Engraved title page
Page 137 misnumbered 157
Collation includes final blank leaf
Numbering of full-page engravings irregular. In Book II, there are two numbered Tab. IIII. Book VI starts with Tab. III, because the original Tab. I-II (cf. Italian eds.) have been included in Book V
Errata: p. [46] of second unpaginated part
The illustrations are copied (with alterations) from Vesalius' 'Fabrica'. For a discussion of Valverde's relationship to Vesalius see Meyer and Wirt: "The Amuscan illustrations", Bull. hist. med., 14 (1943), p. 667-689
The work was originally published in Rome, 1556, with Valverde's text in Spanish; an Italian translation was first published in 1559 and it was on the Italian eds. that Plantin based the present ed. This ed. includes Valverde's explanations of the plates, translated into Latin by J. Thorius or Thorins, using the 1559 version but incorporating some changes based on the Latin eds. of Vesalius' 'Epitome'. The main body of Valverde's text is absent. Instead the plates are followed by the full text of Vesalius' 'Epitome' in the version with additions by Jacques Grévin (as originally published Paris, 1564) See Voet, Cushing
The engravings in this ed. are copies made by Pieter and Frans Huys from those of Nicolas Beatrizet after Gaspar Beccera in the earlier Rome editions. Three are reversed in the copying. T.p. drawn by Lambert van Noort and engraved by Pieter Huys. See Voet, Cushing
Copy 1 Supplier/Donor: Robin Halwas With: (bound at end of vol.) [Anatomical fugitive sheets]: Viscerum ... (1539) Binding: Mid-17th cent. French mottled calf. On t.p.: ownership inscription of Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665), with note of price paid (11 reals) MS marks in preface, apparently in same hand. On lower endpaper: signatures of Schemid, one dated 1831. 19th cent. ink stamp of M. Biltz on t.p.

References note

Cushing, H.W. Vesalius VI.D-43
Osler, W. Bib. Osleriana 577
Voet, L. Plantin Press 2413
Choulant p. 205-208
Adams V233, V608.

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